mattress counter
alley cat, palm tree matt - 01.09.05
submitter: olivia
location:Las Vegas NV
another flaming pink festivity of Las Vegas,
category:Cool for Cats


wim commented on 10.28.10
feels hairy

olivia commented on 03.07.06
aw, the good old days.

Smart Set commented on 11.04.05

Smart Set commented on 01.27.05
"I got lucky". Let me get this straight: the mat ran off, so you got the cat, whose name is Lucky?

Olivia commented on 01.27.05
Thank you for the comments, and actually, it ran off just after I took the picture so I got lucky.

Smart Set commented on 01.25.05
Psychobabble, the one you've found is the one I was trying to remember when I said here 2 days ago "I've a feline...etc".

psychobabble commented on 01.24.05
sorry *if*

psychobabble commented on 01.23.05
...three days ago - that's history this is a rapidly changing world and we have to keep re-setting the parameters - and the rules - the secret is keeping one step ahead of the rules even of you do not know what they are - do you remember the Prisoner?

Smart Set commented on 01.23.05
Well, psychobabble, cat AND matt was *suggested*, but look what you said here just 3 days ago.

? commented on 01.23.05
I am sure that Bobby Le Chaps would never imagine seeing a cat - hallucinations are just not imaginable... those ferals get everywhere!

Rebecca commented on 01.23.05
I quite like the feral cat mattress.

DVD Dan commented on 01.23.05
you need to delete the "space" here: / lrg and the link will work(cutting and pasting that is.

If I remember correctly I had a tutorial for links on the message board, I'll point you there as soon as it is back up.

Smart Set commented on 01.23.05
Hmm, cutting and pasting that address doesn't work, so just put "feral cat mattress" into Google Images and it'll take yo' ass straight there. DVD Dan, how do you do a link?

Smart Set commented on 01.23.05
I found a nice cat on mat pic here: lrg/feral-cat-on-mattress.jpg I asked the photographer a while ago if I could send it in to streetmattress but got no reply. Anyway, this way you can still get to see it.

Smart Set commented on 01.23.05
I've a feline I've seen another cat pic somewhere on streetmattress; can anyone find it? (And I don't mean Bobby Le Chaps's imaginary cats.)

Smart Set commented on 01.23.05
So has Olivia. In fact it could be the same cat.

Vogon3 commented on 01.20.05

psychobabble commented on 01.20.05
Yippee, congrats Olivia, a delightful addition to the 'Cat sat on the Matt' sub genre (btw is it a very big cat or a very small matt that you have in Vegas?)

Smart Set commented on 01.20.05
Just spotted the cat - I thought you were just giving the matt a fancy name, but this makes it a perfect "Cat sat on the matt" picture. Well done for not frightening it off before you got your pic (the matt, I mean).

Smart Set commented on 01.20.05
I like it.