Had a meeting this morning and as I passed this truck I figured there's no mat here. Wrong, they were tucked in over the cab. So I got the camera ready and slowed down. It took the truck FOREVER to catch up with me. This was the first day of a record breaking 5 day stretch of rain and 2 days before my sore throat from hell moved in for a 7 day stay.
Mats on da Move
wim commented on 01.27.05
Hush, don't wake up rebecca too soon, you are next to her
Rebecca commented on 01.27.05
Well I'm so sorry to hear that Dan's big red truck has a flat tire.
DVD Dan commented on 01.27.05
BTW for the record I have dethroned Rebecca before. I was then promptly smited.
DVD Dan commented on 01.27.05
Why everything is so clear now! Finally I have inner peace.
DVD Dan's Analyst (Smart Set) commented on 01.27.05
"It took the truck FOREVER to catch up with me." I think that Dan is identifying with Rebecca here. He *is* the truck in the photo, and although Rebecca (Dan's vehicle) has slowed down, Dan (the truck with the mattresses that can usurp her) is taking forever to catch up. He is apprehensive about becoming "Top Mat" as he will then be in a vulnerable position. He mentions the rain and his sore throat almost as if they were reasons for his slow progress toward the top. That'll be $75, please. ;-D
DVD Dan commented on 01.27.05
Capture when?
psychobabble commented on 01.26.05
yes but more importantly how many Matts did you capture?