mattress counter
Gone! - 01.21.05
submitter: Smart Set
location:Acton, London, UK
This is the distressing tale of a disappearing mattress. It contains some things which you may find distressing. Taking my mathunting camera as usual, I walked 2 of my "offspring" (the technical term for a mattress hunter's children) to school at 8.30am - no mattresses en route. At 10.30am I had to drive a third, reluctant, child to school. Mattress alert! But NO CAMERA! I forgot it! It's OK, I'll just drop her off at school then pop home and get it. Calm, calm. Ten minutes later, on the return journey, mattress still there (why wouldn't it be?): a nice little blueish one with a couple of transverse bands of some other colour. A good find. I drove home and collected my camera and was back within 10 minutes, happily imagining how I would frame the shot to include Abadan barber's, the smallest, thinnest, most rectangular business premises in Acton. To my shock and horror, the mattress had gone!
There was no sign of it anywhere, no Dumped Rubbish Investigation Unit making off into the distance with it waving merrily from the back, just gone. No mattress. I wandered about forlornly for a while looking in the bushes, behind the barber's, in the car park. Nothing. I took this photo to show you all the location, with the dotted line showing where the mattress was and the size (a single), so you can all imagine what the scene was like. I was so upset, and I was jinxed, too, because I saw no more mats that day. When I think that some mattresses hang around for months, why did this beauty stay only a couple of hours at the most? A cautionary tale, serious mathunters. Have your camera with you AT ALL TIMES! I humbly submit this picture to the "Sans Mattress" category.
category:Sans Mattress


wim commented on 11.11.10
it has to be the longest missing matt episode, and indeed a sans

Smart Set commented on 10.09.05
I know. That's the whole point with this one. It's a spurious argument to cite this pic.

Vogon3 commented on 10.09.05
I never said you did but you claimed i was putting up matts with no evidence of any matts in and this has NO matt in

Smart Set commented on 10.09.05
I never claimed that this was a picture of the mattress.

Vogon3 commented on 10.09.05

psychobabble commented on 02.02.05
I am referring to IMAGE enhancement...of course....ooh er, missus

psychobabble commented on 02.02.05
Smart Pic Smart Set... I think I captured the Matt after it had ben picked up. DRIU 4 was taken on Churchfield Road on the 20/01 mid morning. The pic is blurred (and so I had to resort to enhancement, otherwise I would be rejected again!) as I was travelling past where it had parked and caused a minor traffic frustration behind me as I snapped!

Vogon3 commented on 02.02.05
Oh dear!

FOD40UK commented on 02.01.05
Congratulations, SS, on a worthy sans mattress!