mattress counter
back door matt base - 02.13.05
submitter: psychobabble
unusual and interesting pattern on this base
category:Seen Worse


wim commented on 12.14.10
I am not qualified, hence you can pay me

Dr MC commented on 02.28.05
Of course, gotta go another client has arrived!

Smart Set commented on 02.28.05
Are you fully qualified?

Dr MC commented on 02.28.05
Are you willing to pay?

Smart Set commented on 02.28.05
Are you my analyst?

Mr MC commented on 02.28.05 every joke there is an element of truth, go on...

Smart Set commented on 02.28.05
Oh, OK. They do look like hearts, though, but I suppose that would be unlikely on so ancient a base. About the legs, I! Yes, that's it, I was joking.

Mr MC commented on 02.28.05
SS/HS, I've checked the original they are not hearts but a pathetic attempt at leaves. The legs remind me of an old person with rickets! - you are seriously worrying me if you find them attractive, perhaps you need to lay down on a Matt and talk about this....

Heart Set commented on 02.28.05
Cos it looks like hearts on the base. Are they not hearts?The curvaceous legs are very attractive, too.

Mr MC commented on 02.28.05
why V's Day, Heart Set??

Heart Set commented on 02.28.05
You should have waited and submitted this on Valentine's Day.

Smart Set commented on 02.28.05
Looks like you found a real antique, there, MC.