mattress counter
baby matt - 02.20.05
submitter: psychobabble
location:West Acton
..and I told them that it's no use planting the cot matt in a skip - it'll never grow any bigger...
category:Dumpster Divers


wim commented on 12.28.10
yes there is, what appears as a line ends in a square, all cars are empty, the dumpster is full, a token of devolution

psychobabble commented on 03.08.05
there's nuthin' psycho 'bout this Matt...or is there?

Vogon3 commented on 03.08.05
If that is your matt you should be ashamed

psychobabble commented on 03.08.05
Ani-matt Crackers or Matt Soup, Groucho?

Groucho Marx commented on 03.08.05
I've heard of soiled mattresses, but this is ridiculous!

Mattress Mutt commented on 03.07.05
Looks like they were trying to bury the evidence.