I am not usually a great fan of vandalism but in this case it elevated the status of these two mats from the obscurity of the lowly garage mattress to that of the supreme divinity of streetmattress.
*Mattress de Milo*
cato commented on 09.22.04
confesses, you have broken the glasses!
ernesto commented on 05.13.04
a true matt classic
wim commented on 05.02.04
OK-A- just mail me your accountnumber and IBAN
wim commented on 04.30.04
this one ought to become a mat of the moment, it looks like the titanic
Mutley commented on 11.20.02
Whats the world coming too...
Not even safe in your own mattress home.
Amy commented on 09.26.02
ya mattresss u can rule the matress world and eventually move on 2 pinguins!
ChristineL commented on 09.16.02
Aw gee--I sure hope someone is throwing them some food once in awhile.