mattress counter
Speeding Mattress - 03.03.05
submitter: Donavon
location:Malad Gorge, Idaho
This mattress was going at least 90 when it passed us. We had to speed up to catch this blurry pic. Must have been an important mattress of to an important meeting.
category:Mats on da Move


wim commented on 03.29.05
If you knew Mad George, you would know he would survive anywhere

Donavon commented on 03.28.05
There's a state park close to where this picture was taken called Malad Gorge. It is a narrow, deep canyon with plenty of waterfalls. Maybe he could live underneath a waterfall

FOD40UK commented on 03.27.05
I have a friend called Mad George(you'd understand if you met him)I think he should move out there.