mattress counter
Ocean - 05.05.05
submitter: Rebecca
location:Santa Cruz, CA
I pursued it even to the point of extreme close-up.
category:Mats on da Move


wim commented on 04.20.11
put the eye in again, rebecca, we miss you

Rebecca commented on 05.28.05
It's hot here too...I'll keep an eye out.

Smart Set commented on 05.27.05
I think the mattresses are exploding spontaneously in the heat.

ART commented on 05.27.05
BBC is going bananas, things aren't going well there, people getting fired etc...British Television isn't what it used to be

Rebecca commented on 05.27.05
That would explain the rash of mattress explosions I read about on the BBC.

Smart Set commented on 05.27.05
Now I have a flying glove to assist me I do not have this problem.

Rebecca commented on 05.27.05
I gave up on pointing while zooming, for just that reason.

ART-chitect commented on 05.27.05
always funny when you zoom in on a matt and then try to point, cause you'll have a giant blurry stain on your pic or you even can't reach that far