mattress counter
Peek-a-boo - 05.18.05
submitter: Nancy Dumpling
location:Bradford, Yorkshire
Second of the day in sunny Bradford! Just caught the top of it as we drove past...
category:Seen Worse


Nancy Dumpling commented on 06.21.05
I know but it's still frustrating!! I come down in the morning, get all excited about the possibility of new mattresses and then.....nothing. It's tipping me over the edge....!!

Smart Set commented on 06.21.05
I've never known anyone go down the leader board twice! On the plus side, you need only one mattress to jump four places. You'll fairly rocket up soon.

Nancy Dumpling commented on 06.21.05
Boo hoo! Got so many matts-in-waiting!

Nancy Dumpling's Mum commented on 06.21.05
Well ND, your theory was wrong, down to 67 today! Still no sign of my matts!

Nancy Dumpling commented on 06.20.05
I am on the train! Pretty sure ND'sM is at home submitting her matts from today. Boo hoo. No matts for me.

Smart Set commented on 06.20.05
Ladies!! Please! Are you in the same room?

Nancy Dumpling commented on 06.20.05
Yeah, you got some matts today and I didn't....stop showing off! Where were they anyway?

Nancy Dumpling's Mum commented on 06.20.05
Trawled any wasteland today, ND?

Nancy Dumpling commented on 06.20.05
Ha ha!! I spotted the wasteland. And fruitful wasteland it was!

Nancy Dumpling's Mum commented on 06.20.05
'Pot and kettle' spring to mind!

Nancy Dumpling's Mum commented on 06.20.05
I had to look after 'her' car while ND checked the waste ground!!

Nancy Dumpling commented on 06.20.05
"I'm not coming out hunting with you again!" she said when I refused to let her get out of the car to take photos of my matts!!!!

Nancy Dumpling's Mum commented on 06.20.05
Competitive am I?

Nancy Dumpling commented on 06.20.05
I think we should keep split as well - ND'sM is a little competitive though....!

wim commented on 06.19.05
in the beginning we both submittes under my name, then we split up and the wizzard o ozz, A&N did a great job splitting the submissions as we asked.Today I worked all day and now I am deadbeatthroughtheheat

Smart Set commented on 06.19.05
Hello, ND and ND'sM,'s first mother/daughter combo, I think. (wim and ART are the only father/son matt submitters.) It's too hot to venture out today, or do anything much, so that's all for now. I'm off to the freezer for a Solero Exotic. Keep cool!

Nancy Dumpling commented on 06.19.05
To answer the question SS - 7 in total from yesterday - including the parcel collection one in the morning...not bad - ND'sM and I only took a very brief detour after hat shopping! Thought we'd check out the North Bristol situation. In the words of Cole Porter, Too Damn Hot.

Nancy Dumpling commented on 06.19.05
True! But Mum, I did venture out of the car a little! It was only that "three in one" wasteland find that pushed my numbers up!

Nancy Dumpling's Mum commented on 06.19.05
Snap! I got five yesterday! Nancy Dumpling got more and she was driving!

wim commented on 06.19.05
you paradisperson, if I can find five in a week I am happy

Smart Set commented on 06.19.05
How did you get on yesterday, ND? I got five matts while just out and about in my thankless role as taxi-driver to my daughter.