mattress counter
Mat Jr. - 06.03.05
submitter: Kara
location:Lakewood, WA
The second of my mat pics.. this one makes me proud. I was on my usual routine.. going to the corner store on the way to work to grab some juice, I saw this poor little dirty guy over by the dumpster. I was so excited!! This is addicting! :)
category:Seen Worse


Kara commented on 07.04.05
I'm of totally clear mind!

Smart Set commented on 07.02.05
Kara, are you a manic depressive by any chance?

Kara commented on 07.02.05
haha.. I know. I've got a much better quality pic (I doubled back the next day haha).. but I sent in the wrong one :(

wim commented on 07.02.05
wait till you see your name on the list

Smart Set commented on 07.02.05
Kara, you need a proper camera - these phone pics just can't do your matts justice. You owe it to them...