mattress counter
Yellow Railings - 06.03.05
submitter: Smart Set
location:South Acton, London, UK
I was pleased to have spotted this one, as it's fairly well camouflaged.
category:Seen Worse


Nancy Dumpling commented on 07.13.05
Like Vogon's, as he says. (Vogon - are you a bloke?) I do like these high rise shots.

wim commented on 07.05.05
I knew, thanks to tennis and Roland Garros

Rebecca commented on 07.05.05
Mutt is a subset of dog.

wim commented on 07.04.05
that 's not a dog, it's a mutt

ChristineLarsen commented on 07.04.05
I see a large Italian man suffocating a small poodle-like dog.

DVD Dan commented on 07.04.05
I can see that Rebecca but she has the neck of a linebacker.

FOD40UK commented on 07.04.05
Surely, its a naked woman, towel-drying her hair!?

Rebecca commented on 07.04.05
I think it's a headless woman in a bikini.

Smart Set commented on 07.04.05
Has yours got a ghostly figure at the window too?

Vogon3 commented on 07.03.05
hey SS this is quite weird as i have submitted an almost identical pic but a different colour block

Smart Set commented on 07.03.05
Thanks, Dan. I get it now. We had it in this country as "Celebrity Squares" in the late 70s, and then it came back for a while in the early 90s.

DVD Dan commented on 07.03.05
The picture reminds me of the TV game show Hollywood Squares .

Smart Set commented on 07.03.05
"I'll take the giant chipmonk-head to block." You'll have to explain, Dan.

DVD Dan commented on 07.03.05
That's the window.

Smart Set commented on 07.03.05
No idea what you mean, Dan, but searching the picture I found something in the apartment directly below the matt - a Casper-like shape (or a 'grey') waving in window on the left. Or you can see it more as your standard-issue screaming ghost.

DVD Dan commented on 07.02.05
I'll take the giant chipmonk-head to block.

wim commented on 07.02.05
ntor indeed, and very high quality, mondrianesque, worth a de milo