mattress counter
Der Streetbed - 06.10.05
submitter: Heidi Crabtree
location:Frankfurt, Germany
Passed this fresh mattress in the Sachenhausen area of Frankfurt. It had just poured rain, so it must have been nice and soggy.
category:Seen Worse


wim commented on 05.27.11
walking on fresh soggy matts with woolen socks only is very attractive to those that are dressed-up

HeidiC commented on 07.06.05
Yep, it is my real name, or rather my husband's. The Sarge At Large is COOL!

ART commented on 07.06.05
Crabtree? fits this picture, your real name? PS: krab(ben) is dutch for scratching

The Sarge-at-Large commented on 07.06.05
Ach du liebe! Vat ist der Reich kommink to if der volk are leavink der mattress out Villy Nilly (or ist dat Milly Vanilly?)? Ach -- say it ist not zo! DIS IST NOT A REQUEST - DESE IST YOUR ORDERS!!