mattress counter
White Goods and Mattress - 12.01.02
submitter: Wycliffe Barrett
location:Back Lane, Cathedral Rd, Cardiff, Wales, UK
A lonely mattress who did have rats living in it. But now he has a fridge and washing machine for company.
category:The Untouchables!


wim commented on 04.11.08
has to be more than 600 by now

Smart Set commented on 04.01.05
Yeah, why not? 197 in 10 days of March, and I know there are still 3 more of mine from March 10th.

Vogon3 commented on 04.01.05

Smart Set commented on 04.01.05
Does the "you reckon" refer to the "600" part or the "out of control" part?

Vogon3 commented on 04.01.05
you reckon

Smart Set commented on 04.01.05
Helped by Wycliffe's new pics, March should reach 600 submissions. This thing is out of control!

Vogon3 commented on 04.01.05
If Wycliffe keeps submiting at this rate (and if Dan stops submitting) Wycliffe will catch up in 1929 years

Smart Set commented on 04.01.05
True, 'cos the site is on NY time.

Vogon3 commented on 04.01.05
in march that is

Vogon3 commented on 04.01.05
in fact the 2000th comment never happened in the UK

Smart Set commented on 04.01.05

Vogon3 commented on 04.01.05
April fool

Smart Set commented on 04.01.05
I didn't need to calculate, I just looked in about/statistics/comments.

Vogon3 commented on 04.01.05
none but you misscalculated

Smart Set commented on 04.01.05
What's the significance of 2009?

Vogon3 commented on 04.01.05
not quite 2009th

Smart Set commented on 04.01.05
V3, that was March's 2000th comment!

Vogon3 commented on 04.01.05
met him 1000s of times but never had my camera

Wycliffe commented on 04.01.05
Good night all, time for sleep. take vare all. Mini's and me dont seem to fit by the way. I'm 5'11 and fairly big. (bodybuilding you see)

Wycliffe commented on 04.01.05
No, I've found loads of matts, but just kinda never had my camera with me, plus I'ma busy man, but in the last couple of weeks I have taken up the guantlet again and feel that I can devote more time to this noble pursuit. Also I was pursuing a political career for a short time which is pretty involving. check this for a good picture of me with my mate tony

Vogon3 commented on 04.01.05
Stop messing about with them PCs and cars and get out there...... there is matts in them there hills

Vogon3 commented on 04.01.05
WYCLIFFE........ Are you telling me you have been a submitter since 30.11.02 and you have found ONE matt... Blimey

Wycliffe commented on 04.01.05
I love my car, it was my 50th birthday present to myself last year. anyone goes near it and the security system electrocutes them. I'm not joking. well I might be.

Vogon3 commented on 04.01.05
you will be able to get those off road matts in that thing

Wycliffe commented on 04.01.05
and so you all understand my nick name is Wick, has been since I was 5. ergo my plate syas Mr Wyc, I couldn't get wick, well I could but it was 4 grand.

Wycliffe commented on 04.01.05
ok guys it's all working and having just read your comments V3 I must have a doppleganger, I wont say anything about Macs, there good at publishing stuff. cant really say more than that. I did a water cooled PC for a mate of mine. That was scary, never again.

Vogon3 commented on 04.01.05
I like whatyou done with your PC (lights and that) mine is an Apple so I just left it as it was

Vogon3 commented on 04.01.05
I sometimes have a go on my mates series 1 V8 chopped down Range Rover running gear LR

Rebecca commented on 04.01.05
If that's you, you bear an uncanny resemblance to FOD40UK's avatar on the message board.

Vogon3 commented on 04.01.05
that must be it you see that one was called "my desk top" so I assumed it was yours

Vogon3 commented on 04.01.05
well have you got a file called "Ratchet and clank"

Wycliffe commented on 04.01.05
Yep thats me, but i dont recall Robin Hood. Unless you was looking at the desktop competition that I had going a while back.

Rebecca commented on 04.01.05
My goodness, that is a beast of a car. Of course I tend to think you'd be better off with a Mini.

Vogon3 commented on 04.01.05

Wycliffe commented on 04.01.05
You are clearly thinking about someone else, how would you beable to look at my desktop, unless you was some uberhacker. I've never had robin hood on my desktop or my homepage.

Vogon3 commented on 04.01.05
are you still using the desktop with the picture of what looks like robin hood and his merry men looking at some weird freaking tree

Wycliffe commented on 04.01.05
The update to my site is still uploading so you might not see the new hopage that I just did. I'll tell you all when its ready and working.

wim commented on 04.01.05
so I am not the only one

Wycliffe commented on 04.01.05
V3 you have totally lost me there, what in gods name are you going on about

wim commented on 04.01.05
Vogon, I am flabbergasted, I don't understand a word

Vogon3 commented on 04.01.05
I see all your mates seem to still use those PC things

Vogon3 commented on 04.01.05
Hey Wycliffe on your desktop what is in the file Ratchet and clank the one with the ladybird icon

Vogon3 commented on 03.29.05
Keep em coming

Wycliffe commented on 03.29.05
oops Cardiff locale

Wycliffe commented on 03.29.05
I know guys, it's such a shame, but I did submit 3 or 4 last week all from the Cradiff locale. You will just have to wait for The MTA to put em on I guess.

Vogon3 commented on 03.27.05
one up

Vogon3 commented on 03.27.05
Come on then you can't just put on up you are in the UK team

Smart Set commented on 03.26.05
Nice one, Wycliffe, nice one, son, Nice one, Wycliffe, let's 'ave another one!

Wycliffe commented on 03.26.05
I am so pleased I just logged in and found that my first submission way back in 2002 is featured on the Showcase. I am greatly flattered as there are some outstanding matresses on

Olivia commented on 01.09.05
This is the best one I've seen so far. The washer and dryer add the perfect touch.

Jay Bale commented on 02.08.04
I think the washer adds a little cleanliness to the image-Can anyone fiqure how to get the mattress in there?

Salinger commented on 01.11.04
And it's not just in England. Look!

Anon commented on 02.21.03
Hey where did you get my mattress from?

ChristineL commented on 12.05.02
What a scary sight for the washer and fridge--to see the mattress in such horror and know that it's only time before they're next....

sasquatch commented on 12.03.02
You could put the mattress in the washing machine for a good clean, and grab a cold beer from the fridge while you sit and wait.

Obscura commented on 12.02.02
First time I've ever seen a junker front load washing machine. That mattress is FILTHY.

Wycliffe commented on 12.01.02
The strange thing is, is thatthe Washing machine and frideg are in such good shape, the mattress has been in this location for several weeks to my certain knowledge.

Rebecca commented on 12.01.02
Grotesque! Perhaps the washing machine was magnetically attracted to such filth.