the same (or similar) matts keep on appearing, then disappearing, then reappearing..I think there may be a 'streethotel' somewhere around here!
Seen Worse
Smart Set commented on 07.20.05
All three of us got my "Birkbeck Bed" one, and it's happened a few times before, but this one was just me and pb, though he was two days ahead of me here.
wim commented on 07.20.05
thanks PB for the ntor
Nancy Dumpling commented on 07.19.05
Very! So there are three of the same? - all three of you got it??!! How funny!!!
Smart Set commented on 07.19.05
Very true, ND, but I was referring to Vogon's Old Bull and Bush pic of a few days previous. I hadn't seen your comment on mine at that stage. Confusing, innit?
Nancy Dumpling commented on 07.19.05
Streethotel and the Old Bull and Bush are surely the same matt, SS???
Smart Set commented on 07.19.05
I'm half asleep. I commented on this thinking it was my pic of this matt, which hasn't appeared yet.
Smart Set commented on 07.19.05
Same location a few days later, different mattress.