mattress counter
66 - 06.16.05
submitter: psychobabble
location:Manor Park
...trees do not disguise the potential threat...this was as close as I dared go..a gang of 'hoodies' with 'Studded collar Staffs' were none to impressed by my matt-activities...
category:Seen Worse


Nancy Dumpling commented on 07.21.05
I was reading too much into that comment, clearly!!!

Smart Set commented on 07.21.05
I didn't mean number plates, ND. I was just observing that pb had submitted a pic entitled "66", wim a "55", and V3 a "1" and a "4".

psychobabble commented on 07.20.05
never mind 'vouchsafing' this was a seriously heavy area the 'hoods' were designed to hide identity and the locals sure weren't friendly. SS..not sure about blondes and number plates, ND

Nancy Dumpling commented on 07.20.05
I don't get your number plate scenario there, I being blonde??

Smart Set commented on 07.20.05
Care to vouchsafe us any details of this latest brush with unpleasantness, pb?

wim commented on 07.20.05
do they wear their hoods backwards?

5mar7 537 commented on 07.19.05
3v3ry1'5 5u8m1tt1ng num83r t1tl35!