This is by the dumpster in my Apt. complex. Left behind by one of the exiting college students that live there. On to bigger and better beds I suppose.
Dumpster Divers
Chaf commented on 05.23.07
Still catching up from January...I've forgotten what I have waiting in que.
wim commented on 07.21.05
why are we all in the craft of design?
Chaf commented on 07.21.05
I'm an out of work Graphic Artist. Soon to be a new Internet Technology student though..."Retrained Displaced Worker" as I'm classified by the states Employment Security Commission...perhaps after I complete my studies I will be an exited student and have the privilege of tossing my matt for a new one...
wim commented on 07.21.05
up so far, I consider this one your best submission ever. Are you an exited student?
wim commented on 07.21.05
Hi Chaf, as you can see the site runs more or less a month behind, so unless you submitted pictures today and not before, the waiting will be shorter
Chaf commented on 07.21.05
North Carolina it is. Thank you SS. Yes it was nerve racking as you might understand but worth the wait to be one of the few, the proud...I've got more submitted, hopefully they won't take a month.
wim commented on 07.21.05
NC? North Carolina?
smart Set commented on 07.21.05
Welcome aboard, JC of NC. It must have been difficult to wait a whole month to see your first one go up. Nice elevation here.