mattress counter
Blue Streak - 07.10.05
submitter: Smart Set
location:South Acton, London, UK
This matt was in the most gigantic black skip. More of a container. It looks like a blue yacht with a white sail.
category:Seen Worse


wim commented on 07.30.11
I like triangles in any shape

Smart Set commented on 08.13.05
Sorry, Spuds, I turned you into a Bob the Builder character.

Smart Set commented on 08.13.05
Research indicates this is a Jethro Tull misquote, Spud. Deliberate?

Spuds commented on 08.12.05
"Sailing away hey, on the thin ice of a new day..."

mattress watcher commented on 08.09.05
where is Rebecca - has Smaat Set maatnapped her?

? commented on 08.09.05
or a pirgin.

Smart Set commented on 08.09.05
Exactly. If I'd realised at the time I would have included the top of the sail. Perhaps there was a burgee.

Nancy Dumpling commented on 08.09.05
The kind of boat you draw as a child. Very nice.