A fishing trip, and lo and behold...a matt.. basking in the sun overlooking the bay!
*Mattress de Milo*
Nancy Dumpling commented on 10.03.05
It is indeed! Nice start to a Monday for me!
FOD40UK commented on 10.03.05
Ah! 'Tis uplifting to find that 'Otis' has finally been elevated to de Milo status
Smart Set commented on 10.03.05
I feel I deserve some credit for being the first to spot its potential...
Nancy Dumpling commented on 10.03.05
Ha ha!!!! At last!!! So deserving!! I had given up any hope of an upgrade!!
wim commented on 10.02.05
salinger!!!!!!!! DO YOU HEAR US ?
Salinger commented on 10.02.05
I hadn't looked at this Matt before today. It's brilliant! Reminds me of the Vietnamese Lovelorn Maiden Mattress. (#175 & one of my favourites). This is a teenage version relaxing in her special place on the cliff, thinking about the meaning of life while waiting for her boyfriend to arrive.
Smart Set commented on 10.01.05
Rebecca commented on 10.01.05
That's great. It's much more deserved for this one than the other. good for you.
ND'sM commented on 10.01.05
Congrats in order I do believe....got my de Milo!!
FOD40UK commented on 09.15.05
De Milo!De Milo!!
Nancy Dumpling commented on 09.15.05
Good thinking Chaf! Let's keep at it!!
Chaf commented on 09.15.05
After she wins her DeMilo, all the big money offers will be rolling in and she can get a better camera!
Smart Set commented on 09.14.05
A fault like that would drive me potty. I'd have taken the camera back pronto!
FOD40UK commented on 09.14.05
Yes, sorry-thats what I meant!
ND's M commented on 09.14.05
Yes, it's on them all, sometimes obscured by foilage, but visible.
Nancy Dumpling's Mum commented on 09.14.05
I think you'll find that blemish on all my submitted pics. It's the camera...cheapo! ND, will add new camera to my Christmas list!!
Rebecca commented on 09.14.05
Picture Bill Murray in a wetsuit dancing to electronic music on his headphones.
Smart Set commented on 09.14.05
You mean a fly on the lens?
FOD40UK commented on 09.14.05
Maybe a fly?!
Rebecca commented on 09.14.05
Yes, it looks like the boat has splashed water up onto the camera, a la Jacques Cousteau or Team Zissou.
Smart Set commented on 09.14.05
I'd noticed that. Must be some flaw on its picture-capturing array-thingy. Is it under warranty?
Nancy Dumpling commented on 09.14.05
My mum's camera always does that blob thing. It so deserves an upgrade....
Smart Set commented on 09.14.05
Do you mean because it looks like a drop of water on the lens?
Rebecca commented on 09.14.05
The blemish adds authenticity.
noel commented on 09.14.05
Smart Set commented on 09.14.05
Perhaps if it didn't have that blemish at top left...
Nancy Dumpling commented on 09.14.05
How long does one beg for an upgrade before giving up hope?
Nancy Dumpling's Mum commented on 09.14.05
Four takes with different boats, FOD's boat by far the best!
Nancy Dumpling's Mum commented on 09.14.05
Bitch....but thanks for the plea!
Nancy Dumpling commented on 09.14.05
Mum's catching up with me....organised hunt required methinks. Without her. Tee hee!
Begging Nance commented on 09.14.05
Dear Streetmattress Mister, Please may my mum have her first de Milo?! Kisses, Nancy D xx
FOD40UK commented on 09.14.05
Cost me a small fortune in unleaded...Oh, the lengths we go to!
Smart Set commented on 09.13.05
Chaf, the matt probably rappelled down the rock cake. I reckon that's FOD's speedboat and this was take 24.
Chaf commented on 09.13.05
Definitely a DeMilo, How the heck does a matt get on a cliff anyway? Not to mention how does NDM get there at the exact time a boat goes by?
Smart Set commented on 09.13.05
That looks like a large Muppet rock cake grimacing at the matt. ND, you can't exactly ask for an upgrade, but if enough people clamour for a de Milo Adam sometimes reconsiders and grants their wish.
Nancy Dumpling's Mum commented on 09.13.05
and I'm still chasing one!
Smart Set commented on 09.13.05
Just cos you haven't had a de Milo since whenevah.
psychobabble commented on 09.13.05
this is much more of a MdM than a lot up there recently! Well done ND'sM
FOD40UK commented on 09.13.05
De Milo! De Milo!
Rebecca commented on 09.13.05
I agree. This is a striking and scenic mattress picture.
Nancy Dumpling commented on 09.13.05
How do you ask for an upgrade, SS?!!Is that allowed!? Mum deserves one!
Nancy Dumpling commented on 09.13.05
I have to say, thought the same when I saw it. Most unfair. Nice name, Mum! Not really a dock but nice nonetheless!!!
Nancy Dumpling's Mum commented on 09.13.05
Thanks SS. Thought it stood a chance! I'll keep on trying!
Smart Set commented on 09.13.05
Superb. Love the boat. You could be forgiven for hoping for a de Milo for this one.