This is my Guy Fawkes Night offering. I was hoping to spend more time looking for mattress/firework opportunities, but in the end ran out of time. I found these bases after dropping my daughter off at a friend's, and there was a firework display behind the flats which ended right after I'd taken this pic.
*Mattress de Milo*
wim commented on 01.03.11
adam, bring this back as a mat of the moment one of these days, please
Wycliffe commented on 11.12.05
Smarty pants this is truly awesome and deserves a spot on the showcase in my opinion
Smart Set commented on 11.11.05
Guy Fawkes' Night/Bonfire Night/Fireworks Night is celebrated on November 5th. That's not a person at the window, wim, just some random shape. These modern flats are at the end of a typically Actonian cul-de-sac of Victorian semis.
wim commented on 11.11.05
this is a fantastic shot and the place looks unactonny, seems to be a regular Belgian onefamilyhome, with the man on the first fllor (livingroom)unaware of the firework, people withenough money to spend to have lights burning all over, a bmw on the porche. Only the bases are original actonions. By the way, when was Guy Falkes Night? Over here we start the carneval today, 11.11 at 11.11 o'clock, with cold beer, outside, hotdogs, humpapamusic, and an aftermath of afterlatin
Smart Set commented on 11.11.05
First time lucky, ND. Good job, too, because the fireworks stopped right after this one.
Nancy Dumpling commented on 11.11.05
How many attempts before this perfect shot!?
Smart Set commented on 11.11.05
Thanks, chaps. Have you got those bases already, then, pb?
psychobabble commented on 11.11.05
no burning matt - but a great shot, SS (I recognise those bases!)
noel commented on 11.10.05
great one smarty
Smart Set commented on 11.10.05
Cheers. Were you named after that Marillion song, by the way?