mattress counter
Cast a Giant Shadow - 11.15.05
submitter: Smart Set
location:Ealing, London, UK
I'm very pleased with the way this one turned out. I was lucky with the light.
category:*Mattress de Milo*


wim commented on 12.27.10
a watchdog as saint

wim commented on 12.27.10
a saint as watchdog

T.S. Eliot commented on 11.22.05
The shadow pointed to the mattress. i had not thought death had undone so many. shanti shanti shanti

Smart Set commented on 11.22.05
I believe Earthmen call it the "Sun".

Vogon3 commented on 11.22.05
Hey smart what is the light source on the bush behind your shadow

noel commented on 11.21.05
nice one

Smart Set commented on 11.20.05
Thanks, Brad. Unfortunately not, FOD, but it's not for want of trying, I can assure you.

FOD40UK commented on 11.20.05
You're pregnant?

Chaf commented on 11.19.05
You have really long legs...