mattress counter
Taylor - 06.09.06
submitter: Chaf
location:Burlington, NC
Bringing one out of the garage with help from Taylor.
category:People Keepin it Real


wim commented on 07.21.06
I can hum the song, but I forgot the name of the performer

Smart Set commented on 07.20.06
wim, don't you remember that Taylor Dayne song "Tell It To My Heart" from '87?

Smart Set commented on 07.20.06
That north/south divide - it's enough to start another Civil War.

wim commented on 07.20.06
she is marvellous and sparkling

Chaf commented on 07.20.06
In the south Taylor is a male name and in the north Taylor is a female name...we're from the north. Taylor is my daughter...isn't she pretty?

wim commented on 07.19.06
Taylor sounds like a man's name