mattress counter
Hedda Keepin' It Real - 06.13.06
submitter: Smart Set
location:Acton, London, UK
Here is Hedda proudly pointing at her old mattress before responsibly driving it to the dump. Well done!
category:People Keepin it Real


wim commented on 10.27.13
hello hedda

wim commented on 07.22.06
it is not in to, but up on top; it is of great importance to respect the difference and the order of sequence

Landfill Manager commented on 07.22.06
What Not Photo Of her throwing her mattress in to the landfill What a shame.

psychobabble commented on 07.21.06
super point, Hedda!

Hedda commented on 07.20.06
Sorry, only meant to say that just the once. The computer's overheating, I think.

Hedda commented on 07.20.06
Nouhekket! Dankje.

Hedda commented on 07.20.06
Nouhekket! Dankje.

Hedda commented on 07.20.06
Nouhekket! Dankje.

wim commented on 07.20.06
it is a phonetic dialect : "heb je dat daar gezien, daar zie" kind of antwerpian, but they consider it as pure dutch

Hedda commented on 07.20.06
Wim, do excuse my ignorance, but what language is that? I don't quite follow...

wim commented on 07.19.06
she looks like a true Hedda, Hedda Dachezien Doasè

Hedda commented on 07.19.06
Matrasman Herinnering aan Acton Denkend aan Acton zie ik brede matrassen traag door oneindige straten gaan, rijen ondenkbaar vuile bedbakken na ‘t huisuitruimen aan den einder staan; en in de geweldige ruimte verzonken de matrassen verspreid door het land; gestapeld, bevuild, geknakte ruggen, verguisd en geloosd in een grootsch verband. De lucht hangt er laag en de zon wordt er langzaam in grijze veelkleurige dampen gesmoord, en in alle gewesten wordt de lens van Smart Set met zijn wereldrecord gevreesd en benijd.