I spotted the matt in the van, stopped behind it and took out my camera. I took the picture at the precise moment that the man spotted me. He immediately ran up to me and shouted at me angrily, telling me to disclose who I worked for, why I was following him and demanding I hand over my camera. People can be a bit touchy sometimes.
*Mattress de Milo*
wim commented on 08.09.07
we all have one
wim commented on 07.29.07
I just chequed my camera, it has M S A P as standard possibilities for settings, apart from the flash positions
robert k commented on 07.29.07
if you want to keep your setting to no flash automatically i've found you have to have the camera set to manual (side dial set to the camera icon with M beside it) and then set to no flash. Try that.
wim commented on 07.29.07
I can choose between 2or 3 standard settings A,P and S I guess
Sleepeasy commented on 07.29.07
Thanks rk, that I've found out about. But I sometimes forget to turn the flash off. What I am hoping to discover is how to change the settings so that when I turn the camera on, it automatically chooses the "no flash" setting, instead of the "flash-all-the-time-even-in-broad-daylight" setting.
robert k commented on 07.29.07
very simple with the Canon. With you camera set to take a a picture press the little lightening bolt icon on the settings dial on the back of your camera until you get a lightening bolt with a circle and a line through it on the display screen.
Sleepeasy commented on 07.29.07
For this one I used a Canon ixus 800IS
robert k commented on 07.29.07
what camera are you using?
Sleepeasy commented on 07.29.07
I've tried to change the default setting to non-flash, but I can't seem to programme the bugger.
Smart Set commented on 07.29.07
You did well. And you were lucky to get a parking space at that spot. Best to keep the auto-flash permanently off.
wim commented on 07.29.07
I can just see him do it, lucky for me agression happens only in my line of work and barely ever with mattresses
Sleepeasy commented on 07.29.07
I did flash. I was in such a rush, worrying I might miss the shot, I forgot to turn off the auto-flash. I explained the streetmattress concept, and he looked at me with a mixture of mistrust, contempt and disbelief. In the end I said in my stern, authoritative voice: "Look, if I were spying on you, I would hardly sit here taking a flash photograph, now would I?" At that, he turned and left, grumbling.
Smart Set commented on 07.29.07
It looks as though you used flash. More discreet without it. What did you say to Mr Angry?
Chaf commented on 07.29.07
There's been many an occasion I missed a shot for fear of streetmattres picture reprisal.
Smart Set commented on 07.28.07
How did you escape?
robert k commented on 07.28.07
we should carry official SM credentials. congrats on the risky MdM.