mattress counter
Homecoming - 06.06.03
submitter: Rebecca
location:Ukiah, CA
After visiting Ukiah, I am convinced that I must have lived here as a child. I was too shy to ask the locals, though. They might not have understood.


wim commented on 09.13.08
sleepable with sans

Rebecca commented on 06.07.03
Well I was never sure if it was maybe Eureka or Arcata where we lived for a I'm sure it must have been Ukiah. There were noises that came from the forest and other unexplained phenomena.

Rotten Scalyfish commented on 06.07.03
Given the area and what I know of it, I'm sure there was more than one haunted commune in the early 70's.

ChristineL commented on 06.06.03
"Haunted commune"?...."Real dad"? You guys are freaking me out.

Rebecca commented on 06.06.03
Does the guy know if there was a haunted (attempted) commune on a piece of land up in the mountains there called "Low Gap," in the early 70's?

Rotten Scalyfish commented on 06.06.03
I know a guy who's "real dad" lives in Willits...not far from Ukiah...his name is Theodore.