mattress counter
A Moment for Reflection - 07.01.03
submitter: Rotten Scalyfish
location:Outside Bellingham, Wa, USA
Not far from the graphic scenes of the last photos "On the tail of the Occult" and "Strange Behaviors" was this serene mattress.
category:*Mattress de Milo*


wim commented on 11.02.08
a yeti cusshion

Rotten Scalyfish commented on 07.02.03
Compared to the gun-shot-burned-up mattresses I have seen recently, this is quite serene. It has aged nicely on its own--with a little help from the weather...and maybe bigfoot.

Frank commented on 07.01.03
Waww, i loose my tongue in front of so much beauty

Rebecca commented on 07.01.03
Serene? The mattress itself looks rather severely gouged. Possibly it was a victim of Bigfoot? You must have them up there - they have some fierce, bloodthirsty ones in Ukiah.