This is the strangest mattress i ever found. It was there in the morning, and it was still there in the evening, in the real shopping heart of Liège, the only place that they clean every day. Would it be an art work?
*Mattress de Milo*
KT commented on 11.05.05
20 meow
Salinger commented on 09.29.05
I sent ND a link...
Smart Set commented on 09.29.05
What do you mean, ND?
Nancy Dumpling commented on 09.29.05
Only now that Salinger has pointed me in the right direction! How odd!!
Chaf commented on 09.29.05
The problem with childrens art is that when it get dirty and run down like this it makes me sad like I'm looking at those commercials of poor kids in Africa...
Smart Set commented on 09.29.05
ND, ever seen this one?
wim commented on 01.25.05
I have a few entries with a cat as well, but I would have to search
wim commented on 01.25.05
not to mention the dreams Frank really had from time to time
Vogon3 commented on 01.25.05
Can you imagine finding this what a dream
psychobabble commented on 01.25.05
SACRE BLEU! Quelle Chat sur la matres! What a superlative *Cat and the Matt* How come no one flagged this one up!
keyboard face commented on 06.08.04
woahh wat a matress that ones a little beauty
Christel commented on 07.09.03
I've seen this mattress with my own eyes (i am very proud) on Tuesday evening :-D
It is very great, I want the same
coralie commented on 07.02.03
beautiful cat, i like
wim commented on 07.02.03
lucky for the cat the former owner did not lay it down the other way round, as you se in the shop, they now go for a baby
James Joyce commented on 07.02.03
This is a "portrait of the artist as a young matt".
Rebecca commented on 07.02.03
That's from long nights of swatting playfully at the person sleeping on the mattress.
Rotten Scalyfish commented on 07.02.03
Does it mean something that the cat's paw is rubbed off?