mattress counter
Flying mat upon a river - 07.22.03
submitter: Christophe Labiouse
location:Sofia, Bulgaria
A marvelous flying mat (where is the trick?)crossing a sofiote river
category:Seen Worse


wim commented on 12.25.08
I am glad bushman is in his last days, a pitty christophe stopped submitting

Frank commented on 07.24.03
Tiki, a sofiote is an inhabitant of Sofia, the same way as a Newyorker is an inhabitant of New York, or a Bushman is the inhabitant of the WhiteHouse.

tikifish commented on 07.23.03
Uh, what does 'sofiote' 'mean?

DIRTY STEVE commented on 07.23.03
what the????????

Rebecca commented on 07.22.03
Where is Saint Huck?

DVD Dan commented on 07.22.03
Why would a mattress be fishing? I didn't think they ate.

Tikifish commented on 07.22.03
You can lead a mattress to water, but you can't make it drink!