mattress counter
The Mattres, the Artist and the Ape - 07.23.03
submitter: Frank Compernolle
location:rue Volière, Liège, Belgium
Monday 21st, the Belgian national day, I had a party and, of course, I told the streetmattress story to my friends. And also how sad I felt about the lack of mattresses during the last weeks. When they went out, at early dawn, there it was: on the other side of my front door. Clelie Lamberty, a famous painter, was so kind to help me pointing.
category:Seen Worse


wim commented on 12.25.08
the pointer is a painter,and she is a fine sisterly person, I wish her a nice christmas, it has been 6 months now since we last met

wim commented on 12.25.08
the pointer is a painter,and she is a fine sisterly person, I wish her a nice christmas, it has been 6 months now since we last met

The Pointer Sisters commented on 07.25.03
Is the painter a pointer or is the pointer a painter?

ChristineL commented on 07.25.03
Frank, all your pics always look like they have a background from some war movie.

tikifish commented on 07.23.03
Well, not famous enough for us to know! Now if you got J-Lo to point, THAT would be something! (just being silly. love the pic)