mattress counter
Jewels - 02.10.04
submitter: Rebecca
location:Capitola, CA
Another guest appearance by my sister! The mattresses are not the family jewels.
category:Seen Worse


wim commented on 02.23.04
Muchas gracias, Salinger

Salinger commented on 02.23.04
Wim, you are often a mystery.

wim commented on 02.23.04
Salinger, I beat you with the nulber of countries, but she makes my beats go on, even as a mystery

Rebecca commented on 02.23.04
She would not have appreciated the cafe in Seattle as much as I did.

Salinger commented on 02.23.04
fair point. tell her I went to the gym last week. See if that does the trick...

Rebecca commented on 02.22.04
Hi Wim, welcome back!

The lights were just reflecting the flash from the camera. As for her size, there are several more pictures coming so you can see for yourself.

BTW, Salinger, she says she's not going to be impressed by mattress statistics, considering who her sister is. Sorry, that's what she said.

wim commented on 02.22.04
I am back from Cuba, and shocked that DVD Dan seems tobe a "Nice sister", anyway, my guess is Rebecca's sister is smaller than she appears to be. I wonder who is in the car, as the stop-lights are on. A muscalarvibng type? Rules me out.

DVD Dan commented on 02.14.04

Kevin37uk commented on 02.14.04
Nice sister.

Rebecca commented on 02.13.04
Well it rules out most of the guys I tend to like too. I prefer skinny.

Salinger commented on 02.13.04
oh well, that rules DVD Dan out.

Rebecca commented on 02.13.04
She likes muscular vibes.

Salinger commented on 02.13.04
if not weird and groovy, what vibes does she like?

Rebecca commented on 02.13.04
Um, I think she prefers other types of vibes....

Salinger commented on 02.13.04
does your sister like weird and groovy vibes?

Rebecca commented on 02.13.04
The Mystery Spot is a local attraction in my area, as is the narrow-gauge railroad Dan mentioned. Santa Cruz is a tourist town - we also have a seaside amusement park. Many have speculated that the Mystery Spot could be responsible for the proliferation of weird and groovy vibes in our little town.

Salinger commented on 02.13.04
Hello.. Brit requires explanation..

Rebecca commented on 02.13.04
Wow I've been wanting to ride that thing since 1976 but just never made it somehow. We call it the "Tourist Train."

DVD Dan commented on 02.13.04
Yes, I've been there. I seen a few stickers down here, which always gives me a chuckle. I've also been on the Roaring Camp & Big Trees Narrow-Gauge Railroad.

Rebecca commented on 02.13.04
Have you been to the Mystery Spot, Dan? We see a lot of those bumper stickers around here. There was one in one of my previous submissions: Mystery Spot.

reilly commented on 02.13.04
ok canna see it well go send it over let get a good close up ow the mouse lol

DVD Dan commented on 02.12.04
Ah the good old Mystery Spot!

Salinger commented on 02.12.04
Tell her I have 107 photos from four different countries, 18 Mattress de Milos and a total number of comments earned standing at 246, which is about 2.3 per mattress.

Rebecca commented on 02.12.04
She says she'll consider overseas suitors but she wants a picture and some facts + figures.

blue commented on 02.12.04
bam,i'd hit it =P

Salinger commented on 02.11.04
Hi Rebecca's sister. I noticed you were back!