mattress counter
no parking - 01.02.05
submitter: ragnhild
location:Oslo, Norway
I feared my leaving Wondeful california would be the end of my mat huntin' days, when these two showed up in my back yard to welcome me home! I'm touched. *snif*


wim commented on 10.19.10
frosken was trying to say, no parking, but no matter for those with no car

Ragnhild commented on 01.19.05
Frosken, you here?? I get the feeling you are talking about something else. What are you trying to say?

Frosken commented on 01.15.05
Norway is'nt so bad? Just cold. Those two matresses look perfectly happy together in the heart of Oslo. Then again, appearences are deceptive..

Ragnhild commented on 01.12.05
Salinger: I will return to CA eventually, but I just don't know when at this moment. It looks like it's Norway forever...

Salinger commented on 01.09.05
are you forever in Norway or will you be back in CA at some point?

Smart Set commented on 01.09.05
Welcome, Norway. La Norvège, un point. Norway, one point.