mattress counter
masonic - 02.11.05
submitter: psychobabble
I wonder if these patterns have some iconographic meaning - possibly masonic - to invade the sleepers mind at night....!
category:Seen Worse


Neato commented on 06.21.20
Alas, Acton still looks the same.

dad commented on 04.04.19
im gonna bring the comments up to 1000 all by myself

wim commented on 04.04.19
Shut up and let me look at my mattresses

wim commented on 05.11.17
let me make it a palindrome 474

wim commented on 12.18.15
things are working the masonic way

robert k commented on 10.16.15
not much happening. pretty quiet. I submitted a bunch of matts over a week ago but only one was posted...?? On another note, going to see Neil Young tomorrow night.

wim commented on 10.16.15
what is going on?

wim commented on 10.12.15
let us raise the masonic spirit once again

wim commented on 03.23.13
it's time you came back, pb

Psychobabble commented on 03.23.13 cannot really be 5 years since I last passed this way...!!!

wim commented on 07.06.12
as it is art's birthday today, let's take pb to 467

wim commented on 05.16.12
I think good old masonic deserves this 72000th comment, what is there to say? about masonrY quite a lot, about PB? probably a lot, about SM? a line of passion, once an addict, always an addict

wim commented on 03.28.12
but then it is not the same pattern as the comment on horses latest, time to change for a new country

FOD40UK commented on 03.21.12

wim commented on 03.05.12
Just one more, waiting for evc to arrive

wim commented on 01.22.12
this one deserves a comment with the 25000 standing still on the counter of hope

FOD40UK commented on 01.09.11
....still on top!

wim commented on 12.14.10
indeed, long time no see

wim commented on 10.29.10
about time we thought of this one again

wim commented on 07.22.10
now that I know where the name came from, it deserves another comment

wim commented on 12.12.09
this matt deserves the 55000th comment, it allows us to remember those that caused us to prone our ideas about how the world changed since A&N became the alpha and omega in Keep sending them in folks!

wim commented on 11.16.09
456 is a nicer figure

wim commented on 11.12.09
followed by Horse this time

wim commented on 10.02.09
this not bad english, it is bed english

Rabia commented on 09.10.09
Hello. Marriage is the only adventure open to the cowardly. I am from Moldova and know bad English, please tell me right I wrote the following sentence: "High office in the offer of youth, dictionaries and pain the outsourcing of beauty, and natural mascara, life line pharmaceutical pvt." Thank :D Rabia.

wim commented on 09.06.09
it was about time we granted this one a new comment, thanks Dilys

Dilys commented on 09.06.09
Hi all. To be willing to die for an idea is to set a rather high price on conjecture. I am from Britain and too poorly know English, tell me right I wrote the following sentence: "free share trading software." Regards 8-) Dilys.

Ronan commented on 07.05.09
Hey. So many of our dreams at first seem impossible, then they seem improbable, and then, when we summon the will, they soon become inevitable. Help me! Could you help me find sites on the: Walla walla dodge dealers. I found only this - all Dodge dealer in maine. Our davie, fl dodge dealership always has a wide selection and low prices. Our davie, fl dodge dealership always has a wide selection and low prices. With love :-(, Ronan from Micronesia.

Linfred commented on 07.03.09
Greeting. Americans are benevolently ignorant about Canada, while Canadians are malevolently well informed about the United States. I am from Great and know bad English, give true I wrote the following sentence: "Yale new haven hospital to refund medicare hartford courant." Waiting for a reply :D, Linfred.

Jim commented on 06.20.09
this is definately Aussie desert stuff--secret women's business--

wim commented on 06.20.09
hi lonna, comment 52000 on the most commented submission, you write great lyrics about migraine and bicycles, but imitrex was unknown to me

Lonna commented on 06.20.09
Hi guys. You never know till you try to reach them how accessible men are; but you must approach each man by the right door. I am from Ecuador and also now teach English, give true I wrote the following sentence: "Where to buy cheapest imitrex order imitrex usa best pharm free tabs discount store buying imitrex order imitrex no prescription needed free tabs." Waiting for a reply 8-), Lonna.

Smart Set commented on 09.07.08
Strangely enough, my previous comment was #47444.

wim commented on 09.07.08
will do

Smart Set commented on 09.06.08
Score one more for four-four-four...

Chaf commented on 09.06.08
four for 609

wim commented on 09.06.08
I am of to do things with four for one

Smart Set commented on 09.06.08
Let's make it 440 and excite a tuning fork.

wim commented on 09.06.08
lets make that 439, if only to excite PB

psychobabble commented on 09.03.08
wow....still the most commented...I'll check back in another year....

Ed vd E commented on 02.02.07
ja, sleepeasy, en het is zeer heet!!!

Sleepeasy commented on 02.02.07
Ed? Weer terug? Of spreek je van de andere zijde?

Ed van der Elsken commented on 02.01.07
De nieuwe post is nog in de post! Het posten proces is zeer zeer langzaam!

??? commented on 01.31.07
Waar zijn de nieuwe posten?

Sleepeasy commented on 01.21.07
That's what I would be aiming for, PB: exactly the kind of compromise you are suggesting.

wim commented on 01.21.07
I am always in for a compromise; glad to read you PB, sorry you're ill.

psychobabble commented on 01.21.07
is there a compromise? Phase 1, Perhaps the number on the matt pic matching the total number of your personal submissions eg for you 13 or a version of it eg for me nr 63 flat 1????

psychobabble commented on 01.21.07
uno problemo, sleepeasy, here in down town Act-on we do not have house numbers hitting 14355 Alfred Road or whatever - so how coul we achieve? Even the monumental Uxbridge Rd doesn't go that high . does it? Aside from all obvious complications the SM numbering system...

Sleepeasy commented on 01.20.07
It is to match a house number in a streetmattress photograph with the same number on the mattress counter. For the challenge see matt no. 1144, for the recent reference to it see matt no. 14988. Could you do it?

psychobabble commented on 01.20.07
Hi Sleepeasy, not really bedridden just kidding, can you say what your challenge is???

Sleepeasy commented on 01.20.07
Bedridden? Sounds unpleasant. Are you feeling better now? I am doing just fine and dandy thanks. I too have a bunch of mattpics to upload. Somehow I don't seem to get round to it. But I have recently rather unwisely bragged about being able to meet a challenge on this site, so I'm having to think more carefully about what I upload when...

psychobabble commented on 01.20.07
I have been confined to bed for a while (ho!), Sleepeasy... I have loads of photos of matts - just haven't managed to get around to doing anything with them! How are you doing???

Sleepeasy commented on 01.09.07
Hi Psychobabble, you've not attracted much comment lately. How's it going?

wim commented on 12.23.06
make this 424

wim commented on 11.09.06
don't believe it, try to live with doubts, questions and some answers

Kara commented on 11.09.06
The Masons scare the hell out of me. I truely believe they are the root of all evil..

Smart Set commented on 09.25.06
Jell-O is jelly. Very nice with ice cream.

jo-se commented on 09.24.06
?questa lo jell-o, senor smart set?

Smart Set commented on 09.23.06
Ah, the Spanish pronunciation of "Jell-O"!

Lonely commented on 09.23.06

wim commented on 09.14.06
not even me

st even commented on 09.14.06
i dont like odd numbers

wim commented on 08.20.06
this is not an odd number

paraskavedekatriaphobia commented on 07.31.06
phew! that feels a lot better

wim commented on 07.22.06
as amazing as 413 is for western massachusets, the big BeeGee hit and the year Gwanggaeta the Great, king of Goguryeo passed away. I wonder where Goguryeo is now. Could be an odd number too

up close & personal commented on 06.26.06
Did you know 412 is the area code for Pennsylvania? Now isn't that amazing.

psychobabble commented on 05.26.06
Wim, "Exaggerating"? Why?

wim commented on 05.25.06
Vogon you like odd numbers best

wim commented on 05.25.06
pb, you're exaggerating

psychobabble commented on 05.04.06
TIME AND DATE:............. 01 02 03 04 05 06

Vogon3 commented on 04.27.06
In the year 407 AD Constantine led his troops on a withdrawal from Britain. Roman troops never returned to Britain.

Vogon3 commented on 03.28.06
405 is a pentagonal pyramidal number.

psychobabble commented on 03.26.06
ss, great! looking forward to the response!

Smart Set commented on 03.25.06
pb, I have sent a request to the submitter.

DVD Dan commented on 03.25.06
I concur - it's a matt

psychobabble commented on 03.25.06
SS can you do a screenshot and submit? I've tried saving a copy but can't. Possible to email submitter and see if they'd email a copy? What do you think?

psychobabble commented on 03.25.06
wim, you can view the video at wwwdotyoutubedotcomforwardslashwatch?v=k0EzbspTd8Q it's Pete T of the Who performing in downtown Acton circa 1989??? We have spotted a matt in shot

wim commented on 03.25.06
can we be of any help with in search of the video? You did mention Pete T, "The Who"?

Smart Set commented on 03.25.06
It would be nice to get hold of a decent copy of the video but it doesn't seem to be available. Do you want to submit this historic matt or shall I?

wim commented on 03.25.06
I hope you find some, Gaudian and Sagradic

Vogon3 commented on 03.25.06
I like odd numbers best

psychobabble commented on 03.25.06
Hey, SS yes its definetly the old guy with the junk shop on the corner of Alfred and it is most likely a yellow stripey matt!! PT has done Acton proud!

psychobabble commented on 03.25.06
V3 is too busy to tell us that he 'likes odd numbers best'!

Vogon3 commented on 03.24.06
wim working 16 hrs a day at the moment so I am never on for long getting a job ready for barcelona on monday so may get some spanish matts

wim commented on 03.24.06
somehow Vogon, you are a mystery man, hard to get in touch with, so I am of to bed

wim commented on 03.24.06
hey, vogon, still at work? I just finished a basic painting, based on 1199 (1/11/190/1199, with black stockings as 1199)

Vogon3 commented on 03.24.06
I like odd numbers best

Vogon3 commented on 03.24.06
390 is the number of partitions of 32 into distinct parts.

wim commented on 03.24.06
387, PB, but now a prime

psychobabble commented on 03.24.06
Hi Wim, which comment?

wim commented on 03.23.06
hi PB, let's dedicate this comment to Saint Patrick, Vogon knows why I think (as does SS)

psychobabble commented on 03.23.06
sorry, SS, really busy working week - not had time... but will have time to scrutinise tomorrow!

Smart Set commented on 03.23.06
pb, have you decided whether it's a mattress in "Stardom in Acton" yet?

Smart Set commented on 03.21.06
Red and Black Books seems to be a small independent chain dealing in left-wing books. Must have closed around the time I moved to Acton. So, do you reckon there's a matt behind the Who's tunesmith?

psychobabble commented on 03.21.06
yes it's great isn't it - one of Acton's best kept secrets! The bbok shop on the corner was there up until about 15 years ago - next door to the Opticians. Think it was called "Red and Black" books or something like that! It's now a cheap phone call shop surprise surprise. I was also wondering about the possibility of a matt - needs further investigation!

Smart Set commented on 03.21.06
Great stuff. I never knew there'd been a bookshop on the corner of Churchfield Rd where the optician is now. I notice that Pete looks up, sees the 266 approaching, rushes out to catch it and gets delayed by an autograph hunter, by which time it's turned into a 260 as he runs after it. Do you think he's standing in front of a mattress just after that as he talks to those bald men? It looks to me like the junk shop on the corner of Alfred Rd, so it could be a couple of matts - green and yellow striped things. Wouldn't that be amazing?

psychobabble commented on 03.21.06
so am I!

psychobabble commented on 03.21.06
there is also a great vid of Joe Strummer at Acton Town Hall, just before he died...

Smart Set commented on 03.21.06
Got it. Thanks. Watching it now.

psychobabble commented on 03.21.06
YES - tricked it replace dots with . and forward slash with / and you should link to the vid of Pete T in Acton

Smart Set commented on 03.21.06
I mean "site".

Smart Set commented on 03.21.06
It's to stop people spamming the sight. Enter it with a few gaps.

psychobabble commented on 03.21.06

psychobabble commented on 03.21.06
SS, I have tried to input but the comment will not accept my link???? Why?

Smart Set commented on 03.21.06
Where is the link, pb?

psychobabble commented on 03.21.06
did you watch the pete townsend churchfield rd video link?

Vogon3 commented on 03.21.06
another time SS

Vogon3 commented on 03.21.06
I'm working at the momment too

schizo commented on 03.21.06
good nite psycho and hey magic number 369

psychobabble commented on 03.21.06
good nite schizo

schizobabble commented on 03.21.06
looks like we'll just have to talk to myself if the rest of Acton sleeps?

psychobabble commented on 03.21.06
hey the number of days in a leap year

psychobabble commented on 03.21.06
I'm not asleep - just busy working!

Smart Set commented on 03.21.06
Pick a matt and let's do it.

Vogon3 commented on 03.21.06
while PB is asleep we should do loads of comments on another matt to beat masonic

Smart Set commented on 03.21.06
No one will ever read through them all.

Vogon3 commented on 03.21.06
I don't think any matt will beat this for comments

Smart Set commented on 03.21.06
This thing has come full circle.

Vogon3 commented on 03.21.06
I like odd numbers best

Smart Set commented on 03.21.06
You're right. It's 359.

Vogon3 commented on 03.21.06
No it isn't

Smart Set commented on 03.21.06
356 is the number of comments on this pic.

Vogon3 commented on 03.21.06
355 is the number of labeled topologies with 4 elements.

Vogon3 commented on 03.21.06
ooo matron

Smart Set commented on 03.21.06
"9 non-attacking queens" - you mean pb's friends?

Vogon3 commented on 03.21.06
and did you know that 352 is the number of different arrangements of 9 non-attacking queens on an 9×9 chessboard

Vogon3 commented on 03.21.06
I like odd numbers best

Smart Set commented on 03.21.06
No one seems to want to make it 350.

Vogon3 commented on 03.16.06
I like odd numbers best

Spider-Man commented on 03.14.06
Ferrari even

Vogon3 commented on 03.14.06
friedman odd

Retired Clippie commented on 03.13.06
Upminster Park Estate to Upminster.

Vogon3 commented on 03.07.06
When both sides use the digits in the same order, the number is called a "nice" or "strong" Friedman number. But what a strog freidman is I do not know

bored commented on 03.06.06
yawn, ok psyco or vogon what the f@ck is a freidman strog or weak

psychobabble commented on 03.05.06
yes and here we have it 343 a "strong" Friedman (only four to go to the next Friedman......)

Vogon3 commented on 03.05.06
A permutable prime is a prime with at least two distinct digits which remains prime on every rearrangement (permutation) of the digits. For example, 337 is a permutable because each of 337, 373 and 733 are prime. Most likely, in base ten the only permutable primes are 13, 17, 37, 79, 113, 199, 337, and their permutations.

Vogon3 commented on 03.05.06
341 is the smallest pseudoprime in base 2.

Nancy Dumpling commented on 03.05.06
Oh boys....purrrrrllllleease! Stop it.....

wim commented on 03.04.06
Vogon, is 337 a permutable primebecause 733 is a prime? How many permuitables do we have to expect : 13-31 17-71 ?? Has this sequence a name? The Vogonnogov file?

psychobabble commented on 03.04.06
338 is a boring number nothing to say about it at all except its just 5 off the next Friedman!!!

Vogon3 commented on 03.04.06
337 is a permutable prime. and odd

wim commented on 03.03.06
Koran Volume 7, Book 65, Number 336: Narrated Anas bin Malik: Allah's Apostle said to Abu Talha, "Seek one of your boys to serve me." Abu Talha mounted me behind him (on his riding animal) and took me (to the Prophet ). So I used to serve Allah's Apostle whenever he dismounted (to stay somewhere). I used to hear him saying very often, "O Allah! I seek refuge with You from, having worries sadness, helplessness, laziness, miserliness, cowardice, from being heavily in debt and from being overpowered by other persons unjustly." I kept on serving till we -returned from the battle of Khaibar. The Prophet then brought Safiyya bint Huyai whom he had won from the war booty. I saw him folding up a gown or a garment for her to sit on behind him (on his she-camel). When he reached As-Sahba', he prepared Hais and placed it on a dining sheet. Then he sent me to invite men, who (came and) ate; and that was his and Safiyya's wedding banquet. Then the Prophet proceeded, and when he saw (noticed) the mountain of Uhud, he said, "This mountain loves us, and we love it." When we approached Medina, he said, "O Allah! I make the area between its two mountains a sanctuary as Abraham has made Mecca a sanctuary. O Allah! Bless their Mudd and Sa (special kinds of measure)."

Vogon3 commented on 03.03.06
335 is the number of degree 12 irreducible polynomials over GF(2). and its odd

Rosemary commented on 03.01.06
parsley is the allspice of life

psychobabble commented on 02.28.06
wim, should've seed it cumin (anything special V333? me old mace)

Vogon3 commented on 02.28.06
I allways bayleave that wim is first to comment on most pics maybe they have taken his caraway so he is in more

psychobabble commented on 02.28.06
Wim, I'm surprised that you have 'thyme' on your hands to 'sagely' comment on every new submission!

wim commented on 02.28.06
basil is very good for you, beats garlic all the way

Vogon3 commented on 02.28.06
Basil the great was born in the year 329 Basil Nobility by birth. His mother, father, and four of his nine siblings were canonized, including Saint Gregory of Nyssa. Grandson of Saint Macrina the Elder. As a youth he was noted for organizing famine relief, and for working in the kitchens himself, quite unusual for a young noble. Studied in Constantinople and Athens with his friend Saint Gregory Nazianus. Ran a school of oratory and law in Caesarea. He was so successful, so sought after as a speaker, he was tempted by pride. Fearful that it would overtake his piety, he sold all that he had, gave away the money, and became a priest and monk. Founded monasteries and drew up rules for monks living in the desert; he is considered as key to the founding of eastern monastcism as Benedict was to the west. Bishop and Archbishop of Caesarea. Conducted Mass and preached to the crowds twice each day. Fought Arianism. Greek Doctor of the Church. Father of the Church.

psychobabble commented on 02.27.06
interestingly(?) Christianity was adopted as the state religion of Georgia in AD327 - but no Mock horn tailoring buttons were worn for the event, probably because they could not access ebay (net was down)

Vogon3 commented on 02.27.06
No 327 is an interesting number because if you type in "8261661444" in a ebay uk search the result will be "327 Mock horn tailoring buttons" being sold by cjtp57 3+2=5 and 5+2=7

psychobabble commented on 02.26.06
#327 is an interesting number because its double (654) and treble (981) contain every number from 1 to 9 exactly once!

psychobabble commented on 02.26.06
'17' and '19'

psychobabble commented on 02.26.06
sorry Wim had to do some work so missed the rest of the Rugby - however you may be pleased to know that 323 is the product of Twin Primes....haven't time to work out which ones!

wim commented on 02.26.06
Ireland 31- Wales 5, so back to 315

wim commented on 02.26.06
do those who give comment actually speak with the referee, after video in slow motion?

wim commented on 02.26.06
they should have had more players with "brains", number 3, to me he looks a bit heavy, but then I don't understand the game

wim commented on 02.26.06
pass the heinz ketchup, red 22 is coming in

wim commented on 02.26.06
math world opens a new world to me, this stella octangula thing looks to me as finally just a complex triangl.Hence masonic?

psychobabble commented on 02.26.06
There is Rugby Ireland 24 - Wales 5! and #245 is a 'stella octangula number' V3 will have to tell us what that means!

wim commented on 02.26.06
aha so there is nothing on your tv neither. I am watching a national geografic production on owls

Smart Set commented on 02.26.06
No, wim, primers make painting easier.

wim commented on 02.26.06
I am in for primes, as SS knows. They make painting quite difficult.

psychobabble commented on 02.26.06
wim, it was a 'Palindromic Prime' (the next one will not be until #353)

wim commented on 02.26.06
if I am fast enough this is a palindrome number (313)

wim commented on 02.26.06
in 1896 the first modern olyumpic games were hed with 311 athletes coming from 13 countries, but this allready is 312

Vogon3 commented on 02.26.06
I like odd numbers best

Vogon3 commented on 02.26.06
310 = 1234 in base 6 and 1234 was the start of most RAMONES songs. "take it Dee Dee" "1234"

Vogon3 commented on 02.25.06
309 is smallest value of n for which sigma(n-1) + sigma(n+1) = sigma(2n). And its odd

psychobabble commented on 02.24.06
I am not averse to odd numbers if they have 'something' bout them - but even you must admit that 308 is a fine example of a heptagonal pyramidal number

Vogon3 commented on 02.24.06
I like odd numbers best and 307 is a non-palindrome with a palindromic square. nice

Vogon3 commented on 02.24.06
Oh and as Acyclic digraphs go you will probably enjoy 5984 but once again that being a even number is not my cup of tea I was looking foward to not that one or the next that is 243668 but the next one that is 20286025. AD and odd

Vogon3 commented on 02.23.06
a good reason PB but I like odd numbers best

psychobabble commented on 02.23.06
Personally I preferred '302' given that it was an Acyclic Digraph, and the next DAG won't appear until comment number 5984

Vogon3 commented on 02.23.06
I like odd numbers best

Vogon3 commented on 02.23.06
301 was one of my favorites becase it is a 6-hyperperfect number.

Smart Set commented on 02.22.06
301. Double in, double out. V3 to throw first.

ND's M commented on 02.22.06
Evening all, what an odd conversation!

wim commented on 02.22.06
narcissistic is even worst

Smart Set commented on 02.22.06
That Kaprekar thing is very odd, but 297 still has one even number in it.

Vogon3sq commented on 02.18.06
297sq = 88209 88 + 209 = 297 and of course you are right PB.. even I like those odd numbers best

psychobabble commented on 02.18.06
V3, the next one is not only odd it's also a Kaprekar number

El Vogon3 commented on 02.17.06
Quiero los números impares mejor

Smart Set commented on 02.17.06
Odd Spanish numbers like El Even?

Vogon3 commented on 02.17.06
I like odd numbers best and another prime even

Smart Set commented on 02.17.06
I'm numb and even number.

Vogon3 commented on 02.17.06
I like odd numbers best

psychobabble commented on 02.17.06
hey now it's a post-Friedman?

Vogon3 commented on 02.16.06
I like odd numbers best even more so when it is a Friedman

matty mattix commented on 02.16.06
I'm looking forward to the next odd number Vogon3 - it's a Friedman

Vogon3 commented on 02.16.06
even I like odd numbers best

Smart Set commented on 02.15.06
That's strange; odd, even.

Vogon3 commented on 02.14.06
but I like odd numbers best

Matty Mattix commented on 02.14.06
did you realise that 284 is an amicable number?

Vogon3 commented on 02.14.06
I like odd numbers best

Smart Set commented on 02.14.06
Even now?

Vogon3 commented on 02.13.06
I like odd numbers best

Smart Set commented on 02.13.06
Evening, V3.

Vogon3 commented on 02.13.06
I like odd numbers best

Vogon3 commented on 02.13.06
still got all these to look foward to 281 283 293 307 311 313 317 331 337 347 349 353 359 367 373 379 383 389 397 401 409 419 421 431 433 439 443 449 457 461 463 467 479 487 491 499 503 509 521 523 541 547 557 563 569 571 577 587 593 599 601 607 613 617 619 631 641 643 647 653 659 661 673 677 683 691 701 709 719 727 733 739 743 751 757 761 769 773 787 797 809 811 821 823 827 829 839 853 857 859 863 877 881 883 887 907 911 919 929 937 941 947 953 967 971 977 983 991 997 1009

Vogon3 commented on 02.13.06
I like odd numbers best

wim commented on 02.12.06
because it is a prime number.(or what is the english word for a number only divisable by 1 and itself?)

psychobabble commented on 02.11.06
Wim, why 277???

? commented on 02.11.06

Vogon3 commented on 02.11.06
I like odd numbers best

wim commented on 02.11.06
odd in a way that 277 would be the next one?

Vogon3 commented on 02.11.06
I like odd numbers best

wim commented on 02.11.06
let's make this 270

paul commented on 12.05.05
still their

paul commented on 11.21.05
good night

paul commented on 11.21.05
looks cozy to me

psychobabble commented on 11.03.05
Hey, Wyc, I'm in

Wycliffe commented on 11.01.05
oh come on guys get to and add yourselves in.

psychobabble commented on 06.01.05
Hey lala, thanks for the tip -"Whether you’re snoozing or something a bit more raunchy, this is the best thing you’ll ever get horizontal on"

lala commented on 06.01.05 make real organic mattresses and have Soil Association certification for doing so, sleep well, sleep organic!

wim commented on 05.10.05
or adam and noonan, we don't know. Perhaps jake submitted allready hist first 100# and we'll all find out beginning june.

Vogon3 commented on 05.10.05
I think you have scared Jake off

psychobabble commented on 05.09.05
Eeeh, FOD, You were lucky! We used ta dream o' livin in a cardboard box at t'side of t'road, all we 'ad was an old carrier bag..wi' 'oles in to let in t'rain...Then I was introduced to Streetmattress and my life has changed builders throw cardboard boxes at me...!(but haven't met any nubiles..yet...)

FOD40UK commented on 05.09.05
I was a hobo, living in a cardboard box at t'side of t'road, without tuppence to rub together.Now, since discovering streetmattress, total strangers come up to me in the street forcing crisp £50 notes into my hands.Everywhere I walk, scantily-clad nubile young virgins lay rose petals at my feet, offering me their innocence.My beer glass is always full, and I get to eat in the best restaurants-gratis of course.Oh yes! and the Queen invites me round for afternoon tea!...........Thank-you my streetmattress!

Rebecca commented on 05.08.05
It's true - a couple of years ago I was nobody, and now I'm an international celebrity thanks to streetmattress.

psychobabble commented on 05.08.05
Hey Jake, 6 months ago Acton was an unknown spot in West London, today thanks to V3, SS (and a little help from me) we have now placed Acton firmly centre stage as the National, (if not International capital) of Street mattresses! Where are you based, Jake? GO ahead submit, its worth it...!

wim commented on 05.08.05
Jake, and you will be famous in Belgium

Wycliffe commented on 05.08.05
Dont do it Jake. it will take over your life. You'll drive around all day with that $2000 digi cam taking images of matts all day. You'll gain hundreds of friends all over the world who do the same thing. You'll lose your wife and family. Its a dangerous pastime. Great fun though. Wycliffe

Rebecca commented on 05.07.05
Anyone can send in a photo, Jake - just click on the "submit" link at the top left and follow the directions.

jake commented on 05.07.05
im new to this can anyone sen in a photo or do yu have to join

Mason Watcher commented on 04.05.05
it is a twat from Wales it is a bit like a English Twat which is a twat from England.. hope that clears that up Gareth

gareth commented on 04.05.05
and what exactly is a Welsh "Twat"

gareth commented on 04.05.05
so you are a Welsh liguist as well Smart Set boyo... just looking at the letter combination "iechyd da" it must be Masonic cymbals

wim commented on 04.04.05
I knew the meaning, in Greek it is the same, as is "Gesundheit"

Smart Set commented on 04.04.05
The correct spelling of "yacky da" is "iechyd da" = "good health" or "Cheers!"

wim commented on 04.04.05
Hey Yacky da!! Long time no hear. It is what some Greek call "Sigia" I first heard it in Spain, when I was I guide. A Welsh Lady had the bad habit of putting her left glassey in her glass of Whiskey, instead of ice, suck on it and say. Yacky Da! Gesundheit

Wycliffe commented on 04.04.05
Mason If I could speak Welsh I'd give a hand, just cos I've lived here for 20plus years don't mean nothing, hell I learnt greek in two years when I lived in Corfu. That was a breeze in comparison to welsh. yacky da

Mason Watcher commented on 04.03.05
I think it says Twat

Mason Watcher commented on 04.03.05
Hey, Wycliffe tried out your idea and yes there is definetly something there ...possibly written in Welsh language? Can you translate?

wim commented on 04.01.05
why don't you come over the channel, or through, and make me a website

wycliffe commented on 04.01.05
Just doing some work on my website. Mostly to do with street mattress. check it out

Vogon3 commented on 04.01.05
you would have to stop matt hunting in London for 2 days SS to cover the petrol

Vogon3 commented on 04.01.05
I could photograph you photographing PB photographing Wycliffes Matts

Smart Set commented on 04.01.05
Don't worry, Wycliffe, I can't afford the petrol.

Smart Set commented on 04.01.05
A weekend in Wales? Maybe, but not together - you know how people talk...

Vogon3 commented on 04.01.05
Alphabeds can now offer a range of mattresses with organic and partly organic fillings.  At present there is no UK organic standard which deals specifically with mattresses. We have used the Soil Association`s provisional guidelines for determining organic purity as well as European regulations (e.g.  SKAL of Holland). Alphabeds is working with the Soil Association to produce an Organic Standard which will include not only the purity of the materials used but also an overview of the working practices of the producers to ensure that ethical manufacturing methods are adopted.   All mattresses on this page are free of Fire Retardent  chemicals but all carry the BS7177 safety label and are fully compliant with British safety requirements.   All mattresses are cased with an unbleached heavyweight organic cotton cover, hand tufted and contain two or more layers of Welsh organic wool

Vogon3 commented on 04.01.05
Hey SS should me you and PB have a weekend in Wales and show them how to find those matts

Vogon3 commented on 04.01.05
just crossing the bridge

Wycliffe commented on 04.01.05
If you nick my matts I'll just have to set the welsh dragon onto you boyo, and thats not my wife, hahahahaha

Smart Set commented on 04.01.05
V3, my scanner shows you heading west on the M4 right now.

Vogon3 commented on 04.01.05
or after

Smart Set commented on 04.01.05
Thanks for the info, Wycliffe. I've just got time to get down there before you!

Wycliffe commented on 04.01.05
This is so true. But i know when the garbage day is, in back cathedral rd Lane, which is where I saw them. I figure I have until noon tomorrow to get them, so It's gonna be an 8am photoshoot on the way into the office.

Smart Set commented on 04.01.05
Were they Jacob's? :¬( First rule of streetmattress: always carry your camera with you. Those crackermatts may not be there 10 minutes later, let alone 24 hours.

Wycliffe commented on 04.01.05
I am actually English, born in Bolton, Sam Allardyce is a friend of mine. I live in Cardiff now, I have since 1981 so I kinda guess I'm an honuary Welshman, wellI did marry a welsh woman. So that kind of does it.

Wycliffe commented on 04.01.05
Actually found some crackers today when I went out for lunch from my office. But did I have my camera, no. I'll hopefully getthem tomorrow, one will blow your minds.

Smart Set commented on 04.01.05
Wycliffe, reading so many daft comments has made you crazy. Just get out there and find some more mattresses! :¬)

Wycliffe commented on 04.01.05
I've just read most of this thread and gettingback to the original topic, re the pattern on the mattress, I think it's a secret Masonic map leading to a treasure. In fact if you look at it a certain way with poloroid sunglasses made by Foster Grant you'll see what I mean.

mattress watcher commented on 03.27.05
March has had 1487 comments so far - the highest ever - but only 78 submissions to date - how many are lined up to be posted?

mattress watcher commented on 03.22.05
see for the latest news on the Big Mat Attack in London

mattress watcher commented on 03.22.05
Sydenham or Syndenham or something like that - its been on the news all morning

Smart Set commented on 03.22.05
I've not heard of this. Which parts of south London has it been ravaging?

mattress watcher commented on 03.22.05
have you Acton guys heard on the news about the 'wild mat' scaring the hell out of people in South London. Legs are being ripped off beds and half eaten pillows have been found lying in the street. Police have warned locals to watch out for a large panther like black or striped mat

Vogon3 commented on 03.02.05
A matt of life and death

Dr MC commented on 03.02.05
no, that was *Eternal Starshine of the Spotless Matt*...I think

ART-chitect commented on 03.02.05
was it that movie that missed an oscar nomination due to bad acting of the mainmatt?

Vogon3 commented on 03.01.05
thats that new martial arts film with Foo ton the reknowned fighter

Dr MC commented on 03.01.05
Or was it..*Matt Hunters - Confessions of a Dumped Rubbish Investigation Unit*

Smart Set commented on 03.01.05
Actually, I've just heard that the movie is to be retitled "Matt Hunter - Adventures in the Controlled Parking Zone" for Acton audiences.

Smart Set commented on 03.01.05
Ragnhild, I'm currently resting between movies. I've just finished shooting "Matt Hunter - Adventures in the Forbidden Zone", and believe me, shooting was too good for it.

ragnhild commented on 03.01.05
I'm just curious; you guys in the 3digit club, when do you get time to work? Or are you payed by the government to hunt mattresses??

Mr MC commented on 02.28.05
I have been doing some research on the Masons and I am convinced that this matt contains a Freemason 8-pointed star - The Babylonian goddess Ishtar's emblem, representing light struggling against darkness...very apt for a Matt

wim commented on 02.28.05
Can you forgive me Rebecca, for everything I perhaps did wrong ?( Now I wrote it right not rong , I hope, Rebby??)

Rebecca commented on 02.28.05
He made that up on his own, I am not sure why. It's good for him he hasn't moved up the alphabet.

Smart Set commented on 02.28.05
Phew! For a moment there I thought you were mad at me. You know, I had wondered why wim sometimes calls you "Rebby". Did he make the same innocent mistake once upon a mattress?

ART-chitect commented on 02.28.05
I'm glad to say that the conversation developped in a most interesting and civilised direction... next time we must go ahead at old school bus

Rebecca commented on 02.28.05
But other than that it's no big deal.

Rebecca commented on 02.28.05
If you EVER call me by the "B" word again I will reach through the Internet and choke you until you beg for mercy and spew childhood nicknames through your nose!

Mess Tart commented on 02.28.05
Huh? What'd I say? You don't like the "Becky" part or the "Schmooze" part? I thought it was funny... :-(

Rebecca commented on 02.28.05
Them's fightin' words, Tart Mess!

Rebecca commented on 02.28.05

Smart Set commented on 02.28.05
Becky Schmooze from Santa Cruz?

Smart Set commented on 02.28.05
Yacky Yoda?

DVD Dan commented on 02.28.05
Mouthy Monica

Rebecca commented on 02.28.05
Loquacious Linda

DVD Dan commented on 02.28.05
Gossipy Gertrude?

Rebecca commented on 02.28.05
LOL...Blabbermouth Betty?

Smart Set commented on 02.28.05
Voluble Vera?

DVD Dan commented on 02.28.05
Talkative Tim?

Rebecca commented on 02.28.05
Don't call me Cathy.

Smart Set commented on 02.28.05
Sir, it wasn't my fault, sir. wim started it.

DVD Dan commented on 02.28.05
Lordy you are bunch of frelling Chatty Cathys! The things you miss while doing your taxes.

Rebecca commented on 02.28.05
Me too I think soemtime soon. Not "off" though because I do everything in front of my computer...almost everything...

Mr MC commented on 02.28.05
..and I'm off out to walk the dog on nite patrol in Acton

Mr MC commented on 02.28.05
but doesn't recognise the Irish variation

Smart Set commented on 02.28.05
OK, well, enjoy. I'm orf to make a good ol' British cuppa.

Mr MC commented on 02.28.05
Nope, tried to trick it by the old perseveration trick with question mark but it didn't get thru! It's clever, very fecking clever!

Rebecca commented on 02.28.05
That's the best time if you ask me. The problem is I've only just got up!

Mr MC commented on 02.28.05

Mr MC commented on 02.28.05

Smart Set commented on 02.28.05
Rebecca - going to bed in the afternoon?

Mr MC commented on 02.28.05

Mr MC commented on 02.28.05

Smart Set commented on 02.28.05
I've never liked "F**k" much. All that hi-hat and twangy bass guitar.

Rebecca commented on 02.28.05
Well now that Mr. ART has retired I suppose I may.

Mr MC commented on 02.28.05
see! i just did it and it was wiped - try it its spooky

Mr MC commented on 02.28.05
Sex is ok its F**k that's verboten

Smart Set commented on 02.28.05
It's OK to *say* "sex" - just don't do it online.

Mr MC commented on 02.28.05
please keep your fingers out of my vent holes or flues, but you are right

Rebecca commented on 02.28.05
Time for your sex change, you mean? ...oops I said "sex"

Mr MC commented on 02.28.05
the vent holes or flues!

Mr MC commented on 02.28.05
well, perhaps the winds of change are blowing in...

Smart Set commented on 02.28.05
I can't put my finger on why you come across like a bloke - you just do. Sorry if you aren't.

Rebecca commented on 02.28.05
Coco always says, "Mazel tov."

Mr MC commented on 02.28.05

Rebecca commented on 02.28.05
Yeah, where they put in the vent holes?

Rebecca commented on 02.28.05
Besides, then we'd get kicked out of the library for being rowdy.

Mr MC commented on 02.28.05
is that some ancient Jewish ceremony?

Rebecca commented on 02.28.05
It cannot be circumvented.

psychobabble commented on 02.28.05
How can you tell, SS?

psychobabble commented on 02.28.05
I ahve tried to put on expletives like S**t instead of Crap and also I must confess, attempted worse but they have not been posted, I tell you A and N are watching at all times, or at least someone or something is!

Smart Set commented on 02.28.05
Don't try that on, Mr MC, it's obvious you're of a blokeish persuasion.

ART-chitect commented on 02.28.05
good night, it's 11 pm overhere

psychobabble commented on 02.28.05
or more accurately, "Is PB SS's son or is PB SSs daughter?"

Smart Set commented on 02.28.05
No, he's not my son. "Go on, my son" is what you hysterically shout as your horse/dog/raindrop comes up to the finishing line.

Rebecca commented on 02.28.05
Does this mean we have to call him MC instead of PB?

Smart Set commented on 02.28.05
What did you mean about expletives, Mr Most-Commented?

ART-chitect commented on 02.28.05
you're all sick ;-) but here I am again, just to say I'm going home, leaving dad and mum with their matt, and me searching mine, PS is psycho SS's son? like I am my dad's son?

Rebecca commented on 02.28.05

Smart Set commented on 02.28.05
It's on top! And all in just a few hours!

psychobabble commented on 02.28.05

Smart Set commented on 02.28.05

psychobabble commented on 02.28.05
thank you Smart, this one is for the Acton Matt Hunters

Smart Set commented on 02.28.05
Go on, psycho, my son!

psychobabble commented on 02.28.05
what are you scared of Art?

psychobabble commented on 02.28.05
Is there a programme to prevent expletives from being posted on this site?

Smart Set commented on 02.28.05
In danger of what?

Rebecca commented on 02.28.05
I don't really like to play favorites, although I have strong likes and dislikes.

psychobabble commented on 02.28.05
Smart Sex you are in danger of

Rebecca commented on 02.28.05
Wow, that's a tough question, I'd have to think it over...I actually had a magazine offer once but didn't follow up on it.

Rebecca commented on 02.28.05
Yes except a week ahead of Santa Fe.

Smart Set commented on 02.28.05
Rebecca, if you could choose just one of your mattress photos to represent your oeuvre in "Streetmattress - The Coffee-table Book", which would it be?

psychobabble commented on 02.28.05
"Sunday fe?" is that near Santa Fe?

Smart Sex commented on 02.28.05
No, ART, come back! We'll stop the sexy talk!

Rebecca commented on 02.28.05
Coco is a boy.

ART-chitect commented on 02.28.05
still 9 left, I'll stop now, hope we will meet again next sunday fe, at another matt

Smart Set commented on 02.28.05
ART, don't tell me to slow down now. I can't!!

ART-chitect commented on 02.28.05
Never met him, thought he would be a girl like wim's mouse

Rebecca commented on 02.28.05
Coco actually enjoyed all those moronic comments - he's a funny guy.

ART-chitect commented on 02.28.05
we should slow down, no female mouses, no sexy talking and especially no most commented, there are only 15 comments left and that's not fair for CoCo

Rebecca commented on 02.28.05
See below.

Smart commented on 02.28.05
Gee, thanks, Rebecca. You can tell just by what I write?

psychobabble commented on 02.28.05
I had no idea that this was one of those kind of web-sites!

Rebecca commented on 02.28.05
"Smart is sexy."

psychobabble commented on 02.28.05
like "psychobabble"??!!

Rebecca commented on 02.28.05
That's what I meant.

ART-chitect commented on 02.28.05
It's all in the head

psychobabble commented on 02.28.05
that does not prevent us from using the images as we see fit they are not claiming copyright so we, for example, could set up an Acton Installation

ART-chitect commented on 02.28.05
I just don't know how to understand that in outerspace? birthdate? aura?,...

Smart Set commented on 02.28.05
wim, you have a female mouse? How can you tell?

Rebecca commented on 02.28.05
Is that like the short bus?

ART-chitect commented on 02.28.05
reb, I'm driving a small car if you know what I mean, hihi ;-)

Rebecca commented on 02.28.05
ART - our numbers are legion.

wim commented on 02.28.05
I am of to bed, my mouse just ended her batteries

ART-chitect commented on 02.28.05
SS, you opened my world again, Rebecca: I wonder if there are others who speak that language

Rebecca commented on 02.28.05
After all, you know what they say...

Rebecca commented on 02.28.05
It's like a secret language.

SmART Set commented on 02.28.05
ART, the box that has this next to it on the submit page:By submitting pictures to this website, you are giving Streetmattress the right to use the images as they see fit.(check box to agree). I was speaking figuratively when I said "*Some say* A & N will publish a book".

ART-chitect commented on 02.28.05
twins, my father in law says that you have to have hiccups while doing the "thing" if you want to have twins

psychobabble commented on 02.28.05
make twin?

Smart Set commented on 02.28.05, yeah. Huh?

ART-chitect commented on 02.28.05
the only way to make twin

psychobabble commented on 02.28.05
Sorry, Hiccups or Hiccoughs!

ART-chitect commented on 02.28.05
spare me, please

Rebecca commented on 02.28.05
Naturally I knew what you meant and I'd like to point out that your response illustrates my underlying point perfectly - conversational aptitude is an absolute prerequisite!

ART-chitect commented on 02.28.05
my brain just failed, what box? what do we need to check? what words? what did you say figurativly? so many questions!!!

Smart Set commented on 02.28.05
Well, it wasn't really, only perhaps in the sense that you chose that form of words intially and then pointed out the possible double entendre. Hmm?

ART-chitect commented on 02.28.05
psycho, you see triple?

Smart Set commented on 02.28.05
ART, I was speaking figuratively. Perhaps that's why we have to check the box when we submit our pics.

Rebecca commented on 02.28.05
But Smart Set, surely it wasn't!

psychobabble commented on 02.28.05
Not been to the Pub unfortunately altho do like Rocket on a Sunday, but have work to do, in between contributing

psychobabble commented on 02.28.05
Not been to the Pub unfortunately altho do like Rocket on a Sunday, but have work to do, in between contributing

Smart Set commented on 02.28.05
BoyZ in the hoods.

ART-chitect commented on 02.28.05
nope, no matts there, it had to be for graduating and they just wouldn't mine will be but it's still in progress

Smart Set commented on 02.28.05
But, Rebecca, surely that was a Freudian slip there?

psychobabble commented on 02.28.05
if SS V3 and PB met we would all have to wear hood like the Masons or Furry hats like the Buffaloes to disguise our true identities!

Rebecca commented on 02.28.05
I would like to see DS on a date! Not personally that is.

Smart Set commented on 02.28.05
psychobabble, are you just back from the pub again?

Rebecca commented on 02.28.05
Well if it's all about children, you know where they start...

psychobabble commented on 02.28.05
An Acton event would be worth considering

wim commented on 02.28.05
has Steve another date? date of calendar I mean.

Smart Set commented on 02.28.05
ART - so, anything about mattresses on your girlfriend's website?

ART-chitect commented on 02.28.05
I've made a book with the first 200 matts of dad and I, but there's only 1 copy, who told you about A&N?

Rebecca commented on 02.28.05
Adam once mentioned doing the cafe press mug and t-shirt thing - I think they should, just look at the success of mycathatesyou.

Smart Set commented on 02.28.05
Some say A & N will publish a book.

ART-chitect commented on 02.28.05
It sure became a strange project, very well built, my girlfriend also has a site with her schoolproject but it's just informative about sickness and small children, she's kindergardenteacher

Rebecca commented on 02.28.05
I guess it was for school and also the byproduct of having a creative sense of humor.

ART-chitect commented on 02.27.05
what what the reason for strating this project? just a reason to built a site, schoolproject,... I just found out I don't know what I'm doing here, what's meaning of life,pfff

Rebecca commented on 02.27.05

wim commented on 02.27.05
12 hours in advance? Over here it is 10pm, my gues is Rebecca at 1pm and Londoners 9pm, so he would have 10am?

Smart Set commented on 02.27.05
You mean linked to Too Old...?

Rebecca commented on 02.27.05
It wouldn't last for long as there is an endless supply of idiots.

Smart Set commented on 02.27.05
Sorry, Noonan.

Smart Set commented on 02.27.05
If we keep going we will knock Too Old For School off the top spot.

Rebecca commented on 02.27.05
I think it was Noonan; it was his html project.

ART-chitect commented on 02.27.05
we should start writing phonetic

Smart Set commented on 02.27.05
V3 is right. Adam was the first man.

Vogon3 commented on 02.27.05
matt meeting should be in NY as thats where it started

Smart Set commented on 02.27.05

Vogon3 commented on 02.27.05
wim steve will be out of time with us by about 12 hrs

ART-chitect commented on 02.27.05
PS we have a gay friend who can tell you where to buy the best skin musture (??)

Smart Set commented on 02.27.05
Well, now you know Rebecca's secret, wim - you too can have skin like hers.

ART-chitect commented on 02.27.05
or do we have to stay in some way Masonic by hiding behind words and not facing the outworld for our real identity?

wim commented on 02.27.05
so you have a silky smooth skin Rebecca. I wish I had

wim commented on 02.27.05
yeah, Acton, where the action is and the act is on

ART-chitect commented on 02.27.05
in the middle of the ocean? some kind of Thunderbirds-meeting-place

Rebecca commented on 02.27.05
SS - yeah, that's how I keep my skin so silky smooth, it's like a conditioner.

Smart Set commented on 02.27.05

wim commented on 02.27.05
let me translate "man bijt hond"."man bites dog" is the name of the program I was on

ART-chitect commented on 02.27.05
what would be the best place to do the first MTA-meeting?

psychobabble commented on 02.27.05
sorry Antediluvian gotta go! CIA!

Smart Set commented on 02.27.05
He's busy being our leader.

wim commented on 02.27.05
it would not be fair if we would play the game in another language, I wonder what Dirty Steve is doing now, his timetable does not coincide with ours

psychobabble commented on 02.27.05
"Yabba - Dabba - Doo" but folks Google Royal Antedluvian Order of Buffaloes and be warned....

ART-chitect commented on 02.27.05
that would be something for "man bijt hond", a man driving a flintstone car

wim commented on 02.27.05
I second Vogon

ART-chitect commented on 02.27.05
my brain is getting overheated, I want to be put in a lower weight class, my opponents are to strong in their motherlanguage

Vogon3 commented on 02.27.05
PB I think you are mixing up the Freemasons (that do great things for charity) and the flintstones

wim commented on 02.27.05
so we can gather, after all Acton is not that far away

Smart Set commented on 02.27.05
Rebecca - "in" that stuff, or "on" it?

Smart Set commented on 02.27.05
wim, I know where you live, too. We all do. It's the house with all the bong-smoke coming out the flue.

psychobabble commented on 02.27.05
personally I prefer Buffalo- milk nog

wim commented on 02.27.05
lurring sounds good, in our dialact it means extending

Rebecca commented on 02.27.05
Ped, I've lived in that stuff for weeks at a time, don't knock it!

ART-chitect commented on 02.27.05
I will die of shame, lurring..our language has a word "uitleuren", like a tight sweater that gets "uitgeleurd" at the barbershop cause they put their towel in your collar, it gets "lurred"??

Smart Set commented on 02.27.05
wim, put that bong down! It's not medicinal or clever!

wim commented on 02.27.05
Beware SS, I know where you live

Vogon3 commented on 02.27.05
ah eggnog you are part of the brotherhood

Rebecca commented on 02.27.05
Me too, V3, funny!

Ped Antic commented on 02.27.05
"waisted" V3?

wim commented on 02.27.05
chear up, tarzan is jjjtufca on my keyboagj agaons

Ped Antic commented on 02.27.05
Ensured? Total parental nutrition usually given to patients with terminal illness comes in a variety of flavours including Chocolate, Strawberry and Eggnog - a particular favourite!

Smart Set commented on 02.27.05
I blame the father in all this.

Smart Set commented on 02.27.05
LOL, Vogon.

Vogon3 commented on 02.27.05
oh dear adam has put a lot of work in to this site recently and now look what you have done ART you have just waisted all his hard work, you have let Adam down, Streetmattress down, but worst of all you have let yourself down..

Smart Set commented on 02.27.05
"lurring", ART? Whatever do you mean?

Ped Antic commented on 02.27.05
Lurring? do you mean "slurring"?

ART-chitect commented on 02.27.05
oops, I hope I'm ensured for this???

Smart Set commented on 02.27.05
ART - now look what you've done - you've broken streetmattress!

psychobabble commented on 02.27.05
ART, do you need help over there?

wim commented on 02.27.05
son, you are overdoing it a bit

ART-chitect commented on 02.27.05
sorry, for lurring out the comments, I had no idea

wim commented on 02.27.05
I only know the " big bang" theory was first formulated by a Belgian scientist. That gave us a very big bong

psychobabble commented on 02.27.05
Masonic code as you well know, brother!

ART-chitect commented on 02.27.05
taum atawhakatangihangako auauotamateaturipuka kapikimaungahoronukup okaiwhenuakitanatahu

Smart Set commented on 02.27.05
Or pig Latin.

Smart Set commented on 02.27.05
Never mind "bung" - are you Belgians on a bong?

Vogon3 commented on 02.27.05
that looks more like Welsh PB

wim commented on 02.27.05
to gather what is separated

psychobabble commented on 02.27.05
twa id xiyeaw, aa, fwrrur>

Vogon3 commented on 02.27.05
it could be a small masters thing going on here

ART-chitect commented on 02.27.05
"don't disturb me, I'm working on my perfect stone"

wim commented on 02.27.05
sorry folks, tarzan threw me out of the internetconnection,she is very jealous

Smart Set commented on 02.27.05
"passinf"? Are you trying to pass on a seceret message to me, pb?

Smart Set commented on 02.27.05
Gotcha, V3.

psychobabble commented on 02.27.05
whats a "seceret" society, V3 are you passinf on a secret message to SS by any chance?

Vogon3 commented on 02.27.05
Eventhough freemasonry is not realy a seceret society some members do prefer to keep their membership seceret other masons would know by certain signs and words if the person they are meeting is a mason or not, Hope that squares it for you SS

ART-chitect commented on 02.27.05
we aren't, dad is ill so we stayed home for dinner

psychobabble commented on 02.27.05
Never frequent such places - just back from Kew Gardens! (but no Matts!)

Smart Set commented on 02.27.05
psychobabble, are you just back from the pub?

psychobabble commented on 02.27.05
forget the "Masons", V3 - what about the Buffaloes, man Ho!

Smart Set commented on 02.27.05
So are you a Mason, Vogon?

Vogon3 commented on 02.27.05
Dont know whats wrong with my mac today stop reading half way down the comment

wim commented on 02.27.05
I prefer the idea of men and women. Try "Droit Humain"

Vogon3 commented on 02.27.05
Freemasonry is a society of men concerned with moral and spiritual values. Its members are taught its precepts by a series of ritual dramas, which follow ancient forms, and use stonemasons' customs and tools as allegorical guides. The essential qualification for admission into and continuing membership is a belief in a Supreme Being. Membership is open to men of any race or religion who can fulfil this essential qualification and who are of good repute. Freemasonry is not a religion, nor is it a substitute for religion. Its essential qualification opens it to men of many religions and it expects them to continue to follow their own faith. It does not allow religion to be discussed at its meeting. Freemasonry is not a religion, nor is it a substitute for religion. Its essential qualification opens it to men of many religions and it expects them to continue to follow their own faith. It does not allow religion to be discussed at its meeting. Freemasonry is not a religion, nor is it a substitute for religion. Its essential qualification opens it to men of many religions and it expects them to continue to follow their own faith. It does not allow religion to be discussed at its meeting.

Vogon3 commented on 02.27.05
or ART here is one up your neck of the woods

Vogon3 commented on 02.27.05
this is a good link

ART-chitect commented on 02.27.05
can someone explain me what "masons" are...I thought they were like a myth?

psychobabble commented on 02.27.05
Actually the "Masons" may not be all bad have you heard of "The Royal Antedeluvian Order of Buffaloes" certainly NOT Mattress friendly!

Smart Set commented on 02.27.05
Don't mess with those Masons, pb.

Wetspot commented on 02.27.05
I think they are, u may have found the matt of a masonic leader or janitor

wim commented on 02.27.05
in my opinion they are not