My whole life ahead of me, not lookin' behind / Just a street mattress, no longer confined / Pullin' my way to a sane state of mind / I'm on my way home....
*Mattress de Milo*
wim commented on 12.23.12
Horse, you know, my comment runs follow strange paths, winding roads an quick primes, 29
wim commented on 03.24.08
I hope so
Horse commented on 03.23.08
Hey Wim, is this the start of one of your big comment runs ?
wim commented on 03.23.08
some trucks are look alikes, bu my state of mind never is
Pablo commented on 10.03.02
Great lyrics Christine and an excellent picture to boot--the picture should go on the cover of your next album.
papa smurf commented on 10.02.02
willis come back with my mattress
ChristineL commented on 10.02.02
Can't verify if it's BigFoot or not, but that is a rather eerie white blotch to the left of the truck. Wonder if it's the spirit from the last fatality on that road? There's been too many to count.