mattress counter
millfield - 04.01.05
submitter: wim rutten
location:Molenveld, Stokkem, Belgium
I promised myself to submit one picture after finishing one report. After having a somewhat loud argumentation with one of my co-workers, a quiet shot would do the thing. It is taken in Molenveld, a street in our village leading to a ferry to cross the maas.Millfield, there is no mill, as perhaps there is no mill in Millwall, my nephews favourite footballclub,his reason to cross the channel now and again.The windowdressing is a Belgian classic, as is the explanation for cyclers and walkers on the wooden pole.
category:Seen Worse


wim commented on 04.19.05
as in procto & gambl?

Rebecca commented on 04.19.05
I think it's something that happens when your mattress takes up proctology.

wim commented on 04.19.05
what on earth is glee?

Rebecca commented on 04.19.05
Well it just looks like that white thing to the left of the mattress is kicking its legs with glee. Either that or...uh oh wait a minute.