mattress counter
remember - 04.01.05
submitter: wim rutten
location:Molenveld, Stokkem, Belgium
The last one taken in march. Funny coïncidences.. I was informed about a matt (see millfield) and drove too far, finding this one. The sign is what it says on the paper against the window on the right side of the door."The Mok" was a café untill early in the seventies, a dark place, everyone a Woodstock fanatic, everyone long hair, a lot of people smoking pot, inocent peacepeople, I was one of them from time to time, beautifull girls that now have beautifull daughters.Then it was teared down and a new building founds its destination. I bought part of the building and have my office on the same spot where the rainy sound of Woodstock filled the muddy rooms; nostalgia
category:Seen Worse


wim commented on 05.11.05
Smart, this a question for the only you. This picture was my #422 according to my showcase.

ART-chitect commented on 04.20.05
cause all the other people have to go to work from 9 to 5 and have rare time to meet a matt at work

wim commented on 04.20.05
how come a lot of us are independant workers? Consultants, experts, architects,...

Wycliffe commented on 04.20.05
Before I go let me tell you about a revolution that is taking place. You can all rediscover the web, with Mozilla firefox. Just type firefox in your search engine or go to for a direct link.

wim commented on 04.20.05
goodnight wycliffe, I am off too, my cat is taking over the laptop. Just one beer and off to bed

Wycliffe commented on 04.20.05
Oh well I'm off to bed, feeling dog tired as they say. Goodnight all.

wim commented on 04.20.05
I was, flowerpower generation

Smart Set commented on 04.19.05
wim, I just knew you were an old hippy!