mattress counter
Mattress? - 01.06.03
submitter: Pablo
location:Cincinnati, OH.
This one couldnt decide if it should be a mat or an ironing board.
category:*Mattress de Milo*


wim commented on 05.10.08
I think this is great

Braveness commented on 03.14.03
I swear to god that I saw this one. It was on the ramp from Rt 561 to Ridge Rd in Cincinnati. It was there for probably 6 months. My friend, nerdgod, and I went for a cruise about a month ago using his new car and street mattresses as an excuse. We drove over 10 miles to snap a shot of this mattress but it was gone!! I've been scooped by Pablo! Having such a prolific mattress hunter in my own town is an honor (and somewhat intimidating). I hope that I can one day come close to his record. Only 130 more and I may catch up. Of course, by then he'll be n the thousands! Braveness Cincinnati, OH

Rebecca commented on 01.26.03
I think this is a renegade square mattress that's been subjected to brutal torments by that ultimate weapon of indescribable torture, the eyelash curler. When "they" had done their dirty work the mattress was dumped out the side of a van in the middle of the night.

Tom commented on 01.24.03
Its the machines, damn it, they are experimenting with matresses and aluminum tube. It is only a matter of time that they will start sending aluminum tubes surrounded by organic material. And then before you know it they will be transporting Terminators to kill Sarah O'Connor. You people must listen!!! I am not insane!!! Or maybe your all part of this diabolical plan!

ChristineL commented on 01.07.03
Well whatever it is, it appears to have just flopped over and died.